Windows 7 Slow Network Copying in RC1 x64


New Member
Jun 2, 2009
Just did a clean install (from the DVD, using the clean install in the menu ... its copied my old windows to windows.old ... did not manually format) over my 7 beta 1 on a dell precision 690 of windows 7 rc1 x64. Prior to the wipe, I copied my various VMs and files to the file server. (took about 5 minutes for 25 gigs)

After the install, I tried to copy them back to the machine from the file server and I am getting rates of about 80kBps! I am also attempting to install office 2007 from the server and its crawling. I have tried updating the network driver with the vista 64 from dells site and the newer vista 64 driver from broadcoms site (its a BCM5752). Reboots and all ... no dice.

Any suggestions or are other people having this issue?

Loved beta 1 but I can't use this machine if the network speed is this slow and will be going back to vista (which I remember having this problem at one point or another that got a hotfix).

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It seems like you are experiencing slow network speeds after performing a clean installation of Windows 7 RC1 x64 on your Dell Precision 690, especially when transferring files from a file server and attempting to install Office 2007. Here are some suggestions to troubleshoot and improve your network speed:

### Troubleshooting Steps:
1. Check Network Configuration:
- Confirm that your network settings are configured correctly. Check if the network adapter settings are optimal.
- Ensure that the network cable is securely connected and not damaged.

2. Update Network Drivers:
- You've already tried updating the network driver, but consider checking for newer drivers or alternative versions from Dell's or Broadcom's website. Sometimes a specific version might work better.

3. Disable Antivirus/Firewall:
- Temporarily disable any antivirus or firewall software that might be interfering with network speeds. Sometimes security software can affect network performance.

4. Check File Server Speed:
- Verify that the file server itself is not the bottleneck. Test transferring files from another computer to rule out server-related issues.

5. Network Troubleshooter:
- Use Windows built-in Network Troubleshooter to diagnose and fix common network problems.

6. Check for Windows Updates:
- Ensure that your Windows 7 installation is up to date by installing all available Windows updates. Some updates might include performance improvements for network drivers.

7. Additional Recommendations:
- Restart both the computer and the file server.
- Try transferring files using a different network cable or port on the router or switch.
- Test the network speed with different devices to isolate the issue.

### Hotfix:
If the issue persists, you might want to check if there are any specific hotfixes or updates available for Windows 7 x64 related to network performance. Microsoft occasionally releases hotfixes to address issues like slow network speeds.

### Rollback to Vista:
If you still encounter slow network speeds and find it difficult to resolve the issue, rolling back to Vista could be a temporary solution until the problem with Windows 7 is identified and fixed.

These steps should help you diagnose and possibly resolve the slow network speed issue you are facing after installing Windows 7 RC1 x64. Let me know if you need further assistance!
