VIDEO 😍Google Chrome VS FireFox VS Opera VS Microsoft Edge Speed Test


New Member
Mar 30, 2019
This is the speed test between Google Chrome VS FireFox VS Opera VS Microsoft Edge Speed Test on Windows 10. It has an unexpected result.

What is the fastest browser of 2019 ?
Google Chrome VS FireFox VS Opera VS Microsoft Edge Speed Test on Windows 10! Who Would Win? Microsoft Edge better than other browser?

Good Video. So what is the result? As for me, I use Chrome for a lot of years. I even use some older versions on one of my laptops that is not good enough for modern extensions and tools. All versions of Chrome Google Chrome Download - Free Latest Version for Windows were fast enough and better than Firefox, IE Edge and Opera. It is my opinion. I have never made such tests as you but I used all of these browsers for work. And I can say that Chrome is better for me.
Good Video. So what is the result? As for me, I use Chrome for a lot of years. I even use some older versions on one of my laptops that is not good enough for modern extensions and tools. All versions of Chrome Google Chrome Download - Free Latest Version for Windows were fast enough and better than Firefox, IE Edge and Opera. It is my opinion. I have never made such tests as you but I used all of these browsers for work. And I can say that Chrome is better for me.
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