
New Member
Mar 30, 2009
Hey guys.

Is there a way to turn off the use of libraries? I really can't see the functionality of this, and I often end up getting annoyed because I can't see the point.

In the start bar when i click Pictures/Music/Whatever I'd like it to go directly to that folder and not the library of that folder.

I seriously really dosn't get the point of libraries, so if someone could explain what they are good for, please feel free do so.
I get the point as to if you have e.g. pictures in various folders spread over the entire harddrive, you can collect them all in the library pictures folder. But I have all my pictures in the picture folder, all my music in the music folder etc... Is there anything I can use the libraries for then?

Thank you, homeboys.
The library function can be useful if you have a lot of a certain type of file. For instance, I have a lot of video files that are spread across two hard drives, as they wouldn't fit on one. Using libraries, I can organize these all in the same place.

Don't get me wrong, it's not the huge revolutionary feature that Microsoft's making it out to be, and in a way it's distancing users from how a file system actually works. But they do have their uses though.
If you have multiple locations for things like videos throw the folders into My Videos etc.
Libraries are where you go to manage your documents, music, pictures, and other files. You can browse your files the same way you would in a folder, or you can view your files arranged by properties like date, type, and author.
Hi ptrisja,
My sentiments are with you!
You will probably get quite a few high flying explanations of the use of the libraries, and there subsequent advantages. They fall on deaf ears with me.
My only conclusion is that they are for users who specialise in certain areas. Possibly persons in the photo or art areas, but who have little interest, or knowledge, of how to order files on their computers.
Like the vast majority of computer users today (even my 9 year old granddaughter), I know how to create folders to my own liking, with my own titles. Admittedly I may have more than average user knowledge, but I do not consider this an astronomical brain feat. To date I have always done this, since the innovation of the desktop PC, with 150% success (and ease!)
I can only see that libraries are adding, however little, to the resource useage and possibly creating a new nightmare for lower knowledge users to try to learn. There is reference to it creating a larger footprint also, but I discount this, bearing in mind the size of hard disks today.
Image arranging in Pictures Library

Maybe I'm missing the obvious...

In XP and Vista, I can grab any image and drag it into a new place---within the same folder, that is---say, for a side-by-side comparison of photos in the "Extra Large Icons" viewing mode. In other words, I can take this set of sequentially numbered images 1,2,3,4,5, etc. and rearrange them 1,3,5,4,2.

Doesn't seem like I can do that anymore. If I drag any image in 7 RC1, and release it where I want it to be, it just jumps back to it's original location. Right-clicking and looking through the "Arrange by" and "Sort by" options don't seem to provide any solutions. "Name" is permanently checked.

Anyone have an idea of how to get back the ability to rearrange on the fly? Is there a vanilla photo and slideshow viewer in 7 which does not rely on Libraries?

The library function can be useful if you have a lot of a certain type of file. For instance, I have a lot of video files that are spread across two hard drives, as they wouldn't fit on one. Using libraries, I can organize these all in the same place.

Don't get me wrong, it's not the huge revolutionary feature that Microsoft's making it out to be, and in a way it's distancing users from how a file system actually works. But they do have their uses though.
You can at least delete them from the tree in Windows explorer to make your drives more accessible.

I have also duplicated all the entries under the libraries to another partion where I store them.

I have a 25GB C partition and with all the videos, music, and pictures, I'd be out of space on the C: partition.
Real advantage is that it saves mouse clicks when you have multiple folders with similar contents. Some productivity gain. Especially if you use Windows Explorer as much as I do. Saves some bouncing around.

I have always used Windows Explorer to navigate directories, don't know why, but that's how I learned in depth how the directory structure is laid out