Transform Your Command Line Experience with Windows Terminal

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Scratch the surface of Windows (and macOS), and you'll find a command line console underneath, a lingering remnant of how these operating systems started. Both have evolved over time, adopting a more user-friendly graphical interface while maintaining the power and efficiency of command line tools that many advanced users still cherish. In today's Windows environment, the Windows Terminal is at the forefront of this evolution, bringing an unprecedented level of functionality, personalization, and power to the command line experience.

Introduction to Windows Terminal​

Windows Terminal is the modern command line interface for Windows, supporting Command Prompt, PowerShell, and Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). If you're familiar with the traditional Command Prompt or PowerShell, you'll find Windows Terminal to be a breath of fresh air. It allows users to manage multiple command line interfaces in a single window, use tabs, customize appearances, and access advanced features that can make your command line work far more efficient.

Why Use Windows Terminal?​

Windows Terminal is not just a replacement for Command Prompt; it offers several key advantages:
  1. Multi-Tab Support: Just as you would expect in a web browser, Windows Terminal allows you to have multiple tabs open, each running different applications or shells. This feature is invaluable for multitasking, allowing for smoother workflows.
  2. Advanced Customization: You can customize the appearance of Windows Terminal extensively—from changing the color scheme to setting custom font families and sizes. Personalizing your command line interface enhances not only aesthetics but usability too.
  3. Performance Enhancements: With support for GPU-based rendering, Windows Terminal provides a more responsive experience—a fundamental upgrade over its predecessors.
  4. Compatibility with WSL: It integrates seamlessly with WSL, allowing for a smooth transition between Windows and Linux environments. This is particularly useful for developers working in both spaces.
  5. Session Management: Recent updates have introduced session management features, enabling you to save the state of your terminal sessions. This means when you close the terminal, your open tabs and sessions can be restored, saving you time and effort when starting new work sessions.

Key Features of Windows Terminal​

1. Tabbed Interface​

Windows Terminal introduces a tabbed interface, which is one of the most convenient features for multitasking. Each tab can run a different shell, making it easy to switch between PowerShell, Command Prompt, and WSL without cluttering your workspace.

2. Customization Options​

From changing color schemes to designing your own cursor shape, Windows Terminal caters to your preferences. You can set a default profile for different tasks to streamline your workflow. Changing the look of your terminal to match your personal or professional branding is now easier than ever.
  • Color Schemes: There are predefined color schemes, and you can also set up your own using hex codes. This flexibility allows users to choose themes that reduce eye strain or highlight important information effectively.
  • Cursor Customization: You can modify the cursor style and color, enhancing visibility and usability—especially for those long coding or data entry sessions.

3. Enhanced Performance​

Utilizing a new text rendering engine called AtlasEngine, Windows Terminal’s visual output is smoother, making command line output and interactions cleaner. GPU-accelerated text rendering ensures that your terminal is not just a plain text viewer; it’s a visually appealing workspace that keeps up with modern design standards.

4. Flexibility with Snippets and Commands​

Introducing features like snippets—where users can save frequently used commands or strings of text for quick access—significantly boosts efficiency. You can access these through the Command Palette, simplifying complex command structures into shorthand commands that speed up workflows.

Getting Started with Windows Terminal​

To install Windows Terminal, visit the Microsoft Store or GitHub repository, where you can also find the latest updates and features. After installation, explore its capabilities by trying out basic commands and customizing your profile settings through the integrated UI or JSON configuration files.

Custom Profiles​

A standout feature is the creation of custom profiles for varied environments. For example, you may set a profile for development work using WSL and another for your general command-line tasks. This makes the transition between different tasks seamless.

Continuous Improvements and User Feedback​

Microsoft is committed to enhancing Windows Terminal based on user feedback. They actively develop features that appeal to the community, such as image support in the terminal and integrated shortcuts for frequently used tasks. The introduction of functionalities like recommendations for installation packages when a command isn't recognized streamlines interaction significantly.


Windows Terminal embodies a shift towards flexibility and user-centric design in command line environments. It provides a powerful platform for users to streamline workflows, maintain productivity, and harness the full power of the Windows operating system. Whether you're a developer, system administrator, or an enthusiastic learner, Windows Terminal is a must-have tool that will elevate your command-line experience to new heights.
Embracing tools like Windows Terminal not only enhances your productivity but also reflects broader trends in tech towards customization and efficiency. The future looks bright for command-line interfaces, especially with the continued development of powerful integrations and features that cater to the needs of all users.
As you explore Windows Terminal, don't hesitate to take advantage of the rich customization options and features that make it not just a utility, but a personalized command center for your computing needs.
Whether you're working with simple text commands or running complex scripts, the enhanced capabilities of Windows Terminal will help you manage your tasks more efficiently and effectively than ever before.
Source: The Verge How to use Windows Terminal and what it’s useful for
