Windows 7 TV Tuner drivers


New Member
Mar 14, 2009
I have Jetway PCTV 610 (yes, it's old!) tuner, based on BT848. Does anyone have a win7 driver for it? may be one from AverMedia or something like this will work? or where i can get this? windows update found nothing.

Old BT878 drivers should just work "out of the box" with Windows Media center.
Otherwise use the XP driver you already have Build 7057 allows you to install "legacy hardware" where there aren't any W7 drivers.


have 7057 build now installed. same problem. no drivers =( xp's one won't install..

Here you go guys
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It requires a little .ini editing but they work, You can try them on 32bit as well (although I can't confirm that).
I use them with an old ATI TV-WonderVE

Works great with a program called DScaler.

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my xp driver of my tvtuner card wont run on windows7 64-bit. is it possible to edit the inf file?

here is the driver of my tuner card Link Removed - Invalid URL

thanks in advance guys/gals.

Hello and welcome.

No editing the .inf file will not help, it's still going top install the XP driver.

This is occurring for many TV Tuners, you'll just have to wait for the manufacture to write the Windows 7 drivers......

As long a your card isn't that old.

You don't want to go to Rapidshare, you need to go directly to the manufactures site.

What is the exact make and model of you TV tuner.

Also, motherboard info would be helpful

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sorry for my english on the last post.

what i would like to do, is it possible to install the xp 32-bit driver into windows7 64-bit? windows 7 64-bit does not install the driver. it prompts that the driver is not for 64-bit.

the brand of my tv tuner is dtech. check later for the exact model. my motherboard is msi p45 neo-f.

the tv tuner card is quite old. but still working fine on windows XP 32-bit. the tv tuner card is using cap7134.inf and phtvtune.inf. based on phillips semiconductors flyvideo.

i hope, somebody could guide me to force install the 32-bit driver(tv tuner) into my windows7 64-bit system. guide mo in editing the inf file. please :)

Sorry, but I posted earlier regarding modifying the .inf files.

I would shoot the company of an e-mail and see if they plan on supporting it with a driver for Vista 64-bit

Truthfully, since it's an older card, I don;t think your chance of a new driver are not very good.

I have re-uploaded the driver to FileFront. The new URL is:
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Link Removed - Invalid URL

Also, I've found that DScaler4 will allow you to use your card with no driver installed.
Browse DScaler Deinterlacer/Scaler Files on

Dscaler is not stable under windows 7.
Some times you will have to restart your computer to use it.
But you can use Dscaler in D3D output mode to keep Aero enabled.

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i have a kworld MCE-201 and windows 7 keeps disabling my driver due to compatability
is there any way i can force win7 to use the vista drivers
i really dont want to back to vista if at all possible im going to try an older build of win7 first but i dont know witch one to use? i have build 6801,6956,7000,7022,7048,7068,7077,7100,7127,7600 i only have 1 dvd left so i want to burn the right 1

any help would be awsome

p.s. i would hope to be able to use 7600 with maybe a tweak to get it to take the vista drivers

7600 is the finished product that will be in stores.

You need to enable test signing.
Go to: Start> All Programs> Accessories> Command Prompt> Right click and Run as Administrator.

copy and paste the following.

bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions DISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS
bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON

restart your computer. You see text on the bottom right of your desktop.
