Linux Ubuntu 18.04 LTS: black screen after log-off


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2017
Hey guys, I have a problem and from what I have seen thus far from many others, Nvidia drivers may be the issue.

Problem: When I log-off to get a coffee, use the head etc, the screen will go black, requiring me to reboot my system. I know of past videos I have seen whereby Linus Torvalds tells Nvidia what he thinks of them due to their lackluster support for Linux.

I currently use caffeine w/ caffeine indicator activated so that when I do log-off, the screen doesn't go black. it tries. but I move my mouse a bit and it stays on after I have logged off.

any advice or help so I don't have to use caffeine?
Try switching runlevels with ctrl + alt + F1 if you get a login prompt login and use journalctl to view logs. You can dump them here and I can look at them.
sorry it took so long, life is busy here. I could only muster patience to do 2146 lines....

just a quick note, I'm on the installed non-proprietary driver as of now...
is there a way to create a file, perhaps text to let me get this info all in one grab and post it for you?
journalctl > somefile.txt or if you don't want the whole log.
journalctl --since yesterday > somefile.txt
I'd be using the ukuu if you're using Nvidia to get a newer Kernel that doesn't have the black screen issue with ubuntu.
I'd be using the ukuu if you're using Nvidia to get a newer Kernel that doesn't have the black screen issue with ubuntu.
how do I do that? sorry for my ignorance
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
this way? I'm basically slowly figuring things out here.
sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:teejee2008/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ukuu
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UKUU has allowed me to update my kernel very easily. I HIGHLY recommend this app.