Windows 7 Uninstall/Re-install Media Player 12


New Member
May 3, 2009

After installing Windows 7, everything was fine. I did not realise though, that Media Player 12 was already installed, so when I saw a link to download it, I did and tried to install it. After rebooting, the obviously already installed Media Player 12 files became corrupted and now, everytime I try to run it it will not work. I am directed to download it, and the link goes to the old Media Player for Windows NT - which will not install, as my PC tells me the Media Player 12 is already installed...

So how can I uninstall anything Media Player and start fresh? I see no uninstall .exe for it anywhere.

I am using Windows 7 Build 7100 64-Bit.
You can uninstall WMP directly from Windows 7 by going to Start > Run, and type optionalfeatures.exe.

Under the Media features section is Windows Media Player.

How To Uninstall Windows Media Player 12 on Windows 7?

Hope that helps
Uninstall Windows Media player 12

Personally, I removed WMP 12 before of tagging problem and its executing speed. So, I searched for procedure to Link Removed due to 404 Error
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You can uninstall WMP directly from Windows 7 by going to Start > Run, and type optionalfeatures.exe.

Under the Media features section is Windows Media Player.
Had the very same problem
now uninstalled the thing

my problem now is the fact, that everytime I use the fn+ 'play/pause' that earlier was supposed to start the windows media player installation refers to a problem saying I'm trying to start something related to the sytem and this would not work anymore

I would have shown a screenshot but I'm german so I guess that would not help much.

my problem is, that obviously in shell32.dll this shortcut is saved for starting wmp, but now that I disabled WMP it notices that it does not work and pops up as problem and wants me to look for a program to open this.

as long as I have opened (as first and front program) another player it uses it right, as play/pause. also does the fn+stop work when the player is only at the taskbar.

however, does anyone know how to tell the computer that this does not work anymore?
It is unnecessary to do this the feature to automatically rip a cd when inserted appears to be the culprit to disable this press the all key while in the nowplaying view of windows media player in the top right a drop down will appear go to tools>options and click on the rip music tab untick the checkbox to rip cd automatically and it should prevent this from happening anymore

p.s sorry this was completely irrelevant there were three threads with the issue i was having opened as well as this one and i inteded to post in only those however its 1am i apologize this sollution was to stop windows media player 12 from auto playing dvds and interupting now playing in wmp when disc was inserted in win 7
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