Unity, Kinect and Kristina


Extraordinary Robot
A few weeks ago we highlighted a new Kinect video on Channel 9, Hello Channel 9 and Hello Kinect. Since then we've had not only one but two new videos added by another Niner!

Gesture Control with Kinect and Unity made

In case you're curious about how to implement gesture control in your Unity game, you can easily follow my little video guide now. It is loosely based on Pete Daukintis' guide, which you can read here.

Project Information URL: https://channel9.msdn.com/Blogs/2p-start/Gesture-Control-with-Kinect-and-Unity-made-easy

Have you always wanted your characters to walk around like you do? Then look no further Using Kinect v2 in conjunction with Unity you can record your own animation data, even without having a marker suit for example. In my video I show you how you can use the tool Cinema Mo Cap in order to record and import your animations to a 3D Model of your choice - Have fun!

Here are the tools that I used:

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