
New Member
Aug 9, 2007
Hi guys,
I'm using windows VIsta Home Premium. I installed my application on this Vista system with administrative privleges(i.e right click on setup.exe & select run as asministrator). After the application is installed i've set the properties of the application as run as administrator(i.e go to the directory where the application is installed rignt click on xyx.exe properties, go to compatibality tab and in privlages field chek Run this program as an administrator).

Now the problem is when i run the application always an UAC dialog appears saying that "An unidentified program wants access to your computer."

Can any one suggest how to supress/avoid this dialog.

Thanks in advance
Not recommended, but here's how.

Go to the Start Orb and type "Local Security Policy" into the search box. Permit. Go to Local Policies->Security Options, find the item named "User Account Control: Behavior of the elevation prompt for administrators in Admin Approval Mode" (long isn't it?) and set it to "Elevate without prompting". Done.
Unfortunately, I don't think you can bypass UAC for specific applications. If admin privs are needed, you will have to manually elevate it. You could turn UAC off completely, but doing that is a bad idea. You learn to live with it anyway.

But if you really want it gone, you can turn UAC off in User Accounts.
Thanks for your reply. I've read some article that we can turn off this message box by disabling some field in Local security Policies. But i'm unable to get the local security policies in Vista Home Premium. Can you help me in getting the local security policies in Vista Home Premium.
Not recommended, but here's how.

Go to the Start Orb and type "Local Security Policy" into the search box. Permit. Go to Local Policies->Security Options, find the item named "User Account Control: Behavior of the elevation prompt for administrators in Admin Approval Mode" (long isn't it?) and set it to "Elevate without prompting". Done.
I'm not able to get the local security policy for vista home premium. Can you suggest me where can i get the local security policy. I've read that in Vista home premium this security policy is disabled by default.