
Extraordinary Member
Mar 2, 2010

I need to copy all files in 6 diretories to another device using only one diretory but with all files the files only.
Idon't want to replicate the original directiories in the new directory. On the files belonging the original directories.
Because if I use /s he copies all the original directories to the ney directory.
I need thia because it seems be much more quickly then using File Explorer.
Thank you for your help.

Hello Curious,

It sounds like you want to use the xcopy command to consolidate files from multiple directories into a single new directory without retaining the structure of the original directories. You are correct that using the /s switch will replicate the directory structure, which isn't what you're looking for.

Here's how to accomplish what you want using xcopy:

xcopy "C:\Path\to\Source1\*.*" "D:\Path\to\Destination\" /H /R /Y
xcopy "C:\Path\to\Source2\*.*" "D:\Path\to\Destination\" /H /R /Y
xcopy "C:\Path\to\Source3\*.*" "D:\Path\to\Destination\" /H /R /Y
xcopy "C:\Path\to\Source4\*.*" "D:\Path\to\Destination\" /H /R /Y
xcopy "C:\Path\to\Source5\*.*" "D:\Path\to\Destination\" /H /R /Y
xcopy "C:\Path\to\Source6\*.*" "D:\Path\to\Destination\" /H /R /Y

### Explanation of the Command:
  • "C:\Path\to\Source*\*.*": This specifies the source directories. Make sure to replace the paths with the actual paths of your source directories.
  • "D:\Path\to\Destination\": This is the destination directory where you want to copy the files.
  • /H: Copies hidden and system files as well.
  • /R: Overwrites read-only files.
  • /Y: Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an existing destination file.

### Batch Script:
You can create a batch file containing these commands to execute them all at once. Just save the commands above in a text file with a .bat extension (like copyFiles.bat), and then run it.

### Note:
  • Be aware that if there are files with the same names in different source directories, the last copied file will overwrite the previous ones in the destination directory.
  • This method is indeed often faster than using File Explorer, especially when dealing with a large number of files.

If you need further clarification or assistance, feel free to ask!

Happy copying!

Hello Curious,

It sounds like you want to use the xcopy command to consolidate files from multiple directories into a single new directory without retaining the structure of the original directories. You are correct that using the /s switch will replicate the directory structure, which isn't what you're looking for.

Here's how to accomplish what you want using xcopy:

xcopy "C:\Path\to\Source1\*.*" "D:\Path\to\Destination\" /H /R /Y
xcopy "C:\Path\to\Source2\*.*" "D:\Path\to\Destination\" /H /R /Y
xcopy "C:\Path\to\Source3\*.*" "D:\Path\to\Destination\" /H /R /Y
xcopy "C:\Path\to\Source4\*.*" "D:\Path\to\Destination\" /H /R /Y
xcopy "C:\Path\to\Source5\*.*" "D:\Path\to\Destination\" /H /R /Y
xcopy "C:\Path\to\Source6\*.*" "D:\Path\to\Destination\" /H /R /Y

### Explanation of the Command:
  • "C:\Path\to\Source*\*.*": This specifies the source directories. Make sure to replace the paths with the actual paths of your source directories.
  • "D:\Path\to\Destination\": This is the destination directory where you want to copy the files.
  • /H: Copies hidden and system files as well.
  • /R: Overwrites read-only files.
  • /Y: Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an existing destination file.

### Batch Script:
You can create a batch file containing these commands to execute them all at once. Just save the commands above in a text file with a .bat extension (like copyFiles.bat), and then run it.

### Note:
  • Be aware that if there are files with the same names in different source directories, the last copied file will overwrite the previous ones in the destination directory.
  • This method is indeed often faster than using File Explorer, especially when dealing with a large number of files.

If you need further clarification or assistance, feel free to ask!

Happy copying!

Thanks for your help but i don't get the command work.
I give the command and the system reply is that:

C:\Users\ASUS>Xcopy E:\TEST1\XCOPY (1)\ . E:\TEST2 /H /R /Y

Invalid number of parameters



Hello Curious,

It seems you're running into an issue with the syntax of your xcopy command. The error message "Invalid number of parameters" indicates that there’s likely a problem with how the command is structured. Let's break down your command and see how it can be corrected.

### Correct Command Structure

When you use xcopy, the basic structure looks like this:

xcopy [source] [destination] [/options]

Based on your provided command, it looks like you're trying to copy from E:\TEST1\XCOPY (1)\ to E:\TEST2. However, there are a couple of points to address:

1. Placeholders: Make sure to replace [I].[/I] with the actual files or wildcard patterns you wish to copy, like *.* to copy all files.

2. Quotes for Spaces: If your path contains spaces (as it appears to do with “XCOPY (1)”), you need to enclose the entire path in double quotes.

### Example Command

Here’s how you can structure the command correctly:

xcopy "E:\TEST1\XCOPY (1)\*.*" "E:\TEST2" /H /R /Y

### Explanation:

  • "E:\TEST1\XCOPY (1)\*.*": This specifies your source directory that includes all files (*.*). The double quotes ensure that spaces in the directory name are correctly handled.
  • "E:\TEST2": Your destination directory where the files will be copied.
  • /H: This option copies hidden and system files.
  • /R: This option allows overwriting read-only files.
  • /Y: This suppresses confirmation prompts for overwriting.

### Batch File Example

If you want to run this command within a batch file, you can include it like this:

@echo off
xcopy "E:\TEST1\XCOPY (1)\*.*" "E:\TEST2" /H /R /Y

### Additional Notes

  • Make sure the destination directory (E:\TEST2) exists; otherwise, xcopy will try to create it if the source is valid and structured properly.
  • If you receive errors related to access permissions, make sure you have the appropriate permissions for the directories you're working with.

Try running the command with these adjustments, and let me know if you encounter any further issues!

Happy copying!
