
  1. Curious


    Hello, I need to copy all files in 6 diretories to another device using only one diretory but with all files the files only. Idon't want to replicate the original directiories in the new directory. On the files belonging the original directories. Because if I use /s he copies all the original...
  2. J

    Gmail problem in outlook 2021

    Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 Home, 64 bit Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6500U CPU @ 2.50GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 78 Stepping 3 Processor Count: 4 RAM: 8101 Mb Graphics Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics 520, 1024 Mb Hard Drives: C: 465 GB...
  3. X

    Windows 10 Windows special folders - Help

    Special folders are included by default in Windows: C:\Users\...\Pictures C:\Users\...\Videos C:\Users\...\Documents In Windows 10 Polish version, the following folders are visible in the file explorer in "Ten komputer" (polish name for "This computer") and in "Bibliotek" (polish name for...
  4. P

    Windows 10 All directories are Read Only. Help requested.

    Sadly, no solution has been presented so I'm reposting my request for help. After an automatic update ALL of my directories are now Read Only. Because I work from home and this is a new PC I'm unable to install some of my programs due to this.... pain (to say the least). I have been online for...
  5. P

    Windows 10 All directories changed to Read Only.

    I'm preparing to reformat my PC with Win10. Currently, all the directories are Read Only due to Windows updating my PC over the past week. Rather than continuing to attempt to change the settings for each one of these directories (which they all just switch back) I have decided to just...
  6. P

    Windows 10 Windows changed all directories to Read Only

    Ok, I'm not enjoying Win10 at all at this point. Every day something new happens that causes me issues. Today, ALL of my directories are suddenly Read Only and I'm not able to update certain Word docs. I've gone online to see how to resolve the Read Only issue but it seems that everybody...
  7. P

    Windows 10 Restoring default views

    I don't know what I did but my views have changed and I would like restore back to the original settings I had. Needless to say I've only had Window 10 for 5 days now so I'm still trying to understand my way around. In this screenshot, my previous view allowed me to see the 3 drives WITH how...
  8. E

    Windows 10 Windows search directories permissions removed again and again

    Hello everyone, I have this problem many people have had, it seems: Windows search stopped working all of a sudden. It may be because of a Windows update, it may not, I couldn't say. I've tried everything I could find on Google but no luck. The problem seems to be located at the search...
  9. someuser123

    Windows 10 How To Make A Custom Directory A Top-level Left Pane Folder In Windows Explorer

    Hi all, I am trying to figure out how to create a custom top-level folder in the Windows file explorer, specifically my synced Google Drive folder. How can I do this? I'm familiar with working inside of regedit if necessary, but if there is a simpler solution it's preferred. Please see an image...
  10. usermn

    Windows 8 Cannot delete folder, cannot change permissions

    I use Windows 8.1 64-bit and Firefox 53.0.3. I'm the sole user and administrator on the computer. There is a directory I tried to delete the folder. It says I tried to move the folder to another folder. It says I clicked Continue. It says Advanced Security Settings says I clicked...
  11. jPaulB

    Windows 7 What is the <lock> icon in the Windows file-manager, and how do I get rid of it?

    Hi Everybody, I have something new happening in my Windows 7. Three of the directories <Data> <MSOCache> and <Program Data> have tiny 'lock' icons attached to the top of the tree. I'm guessing these mean that I can not open any of the files. So far, it has affected all of the PDF manual...
  12. H

    Windows 8 Organising folders

    Hi, I am having difficulty in organizing a set of folders that I have created they have as their title the date which is in the following uk format dd/mmm/yyyy when I try and organize these folders so they appear in the correct date order i find that they are getting mixed up, can anyone help...
  13. Matteo Gagliardi

    Windows 8 PC blocked after right click on directories or left click on File Explorer

    Hi, I have already asked for some help on the Windows Forum but I didn't get any reasonable solution to my problem (that is becoming really annoying). I get a block of the PC (sort of "Application not Responding" but for the whole system) as soon as I left click on File Explorer or right click...
  14. gremlinkurst

    Windows 7 SvcHost & AutoRun Problem (Don't Think It's Virus-Related)

    Link Removed Two problems, possibly a single issue from Webroot Secure AnyWhere; I don't think my computer is infested, but I could be wrong. First, a number of AutoRun.INF files I have authored keep vanishing. I have a large number of drives on my computer, and I have created AutoRun files to...
  15. xen111

    Windows 7 How to create a 'smart view' with symbolic links

    I haven't done any programming for a long time, and virtually haven't done any Windows scripting since the days of MS-DOS. For my digital audio needs I am planning to separate my music collection into 3 folder trees: - lossless albums - lossy albums inclusive - lossy albums exclusive. The...
  16. B

    Windows 7 Libraries is empty and documents is missing.

    I was playing videogames and everything was ok. But the next time i log onto my computer everything from my desktop is gone, but the recicling bin. I cant acces the downloads folder, libraries is empty, and the documents folder is missing. When i open my computer is saids...
  17. seekermeister

    Windows 7 System Volume Information

    Something curious that I noticed while defragging my new installation of W7 is that System Volume Information is divided into 5 folders, while the old installation is only divided into two folders, even though far less programs are installed on the new (65GB vs 165GB). As far as I know, this...
  18. T

    Windows 7 Song shortcuts with Media Player

    Media Player will play a song if I double-click a shortcut to the song (.mp3). However, if I create a number of shortcuts in a directory and highlight them all, right-click and choose 'Add to Windows Media Player list' only one of the songs on the list plays. I want them all to play! Of...
  19. A

    Windows 7 Robocopy / view backed up files on external drive

    Started using robocopy to do my backups. In my command lines, i can specify directories on a external drive to backup to.Some directories show up and i see everything. My most important directory " my documents" DOESNT SHOW UP. I have confirmed a backup is occuring, via log file and properties...
  20. M

    Windows 7 Save As view stuck...

    Win7HomePremium64: For now, in SOME programs, (Audacity for example), During Save As into specific libraries (Docs in my case): How do you disable the Group By view? Nothing else seems available in context menus, also, in this situation New Folder is grayed out. In my situation it's...