Windows 7 Ventrilo bind problems


New Member
Apr 2, 2009
I'm using Ventrilo to communicate when I'm playing games. I use Mouse 4 button to turn on my mic. But when I'm on chrome, or internet explorer or any other 3rd party applications I can't use mouse 4 for my vent, it does nothing.

Anyone knows if there are button priorities or whatever in Windows 7?

In Windows, the functionality of extra mouse buttons, like Mouse 4, can sometimes be application-specific. Here are a few ways to troubleshoot and potentially resolve the issue with your Mouse 4 button not working as expected in Ventrilo:

### Check Mouse Driver and Software:
1. Update Mouse Drivers: Make sure you have the latest drivers for your mouse installed. Visit the manufacturer's website to download and install the most recent driver.

2. Mouse Configuration Software: Some mice come with software that allows you to customize button functions. Check if your mouse software allows you to assign specific functions to Mouse 4.

### Application-Specific Settings:
1. Ventrilo Settings:
- Check Ventrilo settings to ensure that the Push-to-Talk (PTT) key is correctly set to Mouse 4.
- Verify that the Ventrilo application window is focused when you try to use Mouse 4.

2. Game Settings:
- If you are using Ventrilo while playing games, check the in-game settings to see if there are any conflicts with the Mouse 4 button.

### Windows Settings:
1. Control Panel:
- Go to Control Panel -> Mouse and look for any settings related to extra buttons. Some mice allow you to configure extra buttons in this section.

2. Registry Settings:
- Advanced users can modify the Windows Registry to change button priorities, but this should be done cautiously to avoid causing system issues.

3. Key Mapping Software:
- Consider using third-party key mapping software to assign Mouse 4 to specific functions across different applications. This software can help resolve conflicts.

### Additional Suggestions:
  • Try using a different mouse or testing Mouse 4 on another computer to determine if the issue is with the mouse or Windows settings.
  • Experiment with different USB ports for your mouse, as some ports may have better compatibility.

With these steps, you can troubleshoot the issue with the Mouse 4 button not working as intended in Ventrilo while using other applications. If the problem persists, further investigation may be needed to identify the root cause.
