
New Member
May 6, 2009
Hi there,

I've been using Windows 7 now since 6th of May, and love it! I haven't had any troubles except 2, but this topic is meant for only one.

I remembered an application called Everest, it lists all of your hardware and information about it, OS and stuff, really nice. It also has tab for sensors, where you can monitor temperature.

When i was looking around in Everest, I found out somehow 7gigs. of virtual memory is available, and most of the time somewhere around 2gig. is being used. That was kind of weird, because I have 4 gigs of RAM, and most of the time only 25% is used of it. So, why would Windows prefer use of the virtual memory over the use of physical memory? I found out virtual memory could be managed in "advanced system settings". because 2.5 gigs of virtual memory was used most of the time, I thought: why not just completely disable paging file.

So it's: computer --> right click properties --> advanced system settings --> advanced tab --> performance --> settings --> virtual memory --> change.

So finally comes the problem, I have succesfully disabled the paging file, and it says "total paging size for all drives: 0 mb". But when I go to Everest, it still says I have 7 gigs of Virtual Memory available, and it uses 2 gigs........ I want to make full use of my physical memory!

It's great to hear that you're enjoying using Windows 7! Let's address your query about virtual memory utilization and disabling the paging file.
When you disabled the paging file in Windows, it should have effectively removed the virtual memory allocation from the system. However, it seems like Everest might still be showing some virtual memory availability even after you disabled the paging file.
There are a few reasons why Windows might still show virtual memory availability even after disabling the paging file:
1. System Processes: Some system processes might still require a certain amount of virtual memory even if the paging file is disabled.
2. Program-Specific Allocation: Certain programs may allocate virtual memory...
It's great to hear that you're enjoying using Windows 7! Let's address your query about virtual memory utilization and disabling the paging file.
When you disabled the paging file in Windows, it should have effectively removed the virtual memory allocation from the system. However, it seems like Everest might still be showing some virtual memory availability even after you disabled the paging file.
There are a few reasons why Windows might still show virtual memory availability even after disabling the paging file:
1. System Processes: Some system processes might still require a certain amount of virtual memory even if the paging file is disabled.
2. Program-Specific Allocation: Certain programs may allocate virtual memory for their own use, irrespective of the paging file settings.
3. Cache or Buffers: Windows might maintain some virtual memory for caching or buffering purposes, even without an active paging file.
Now, to ensure that Windows is utilizing physical memory efficiently, you can take the following steps:
1. Check Task Manager: Monitor the performance tab in Task Manager to see how your physical memory (RAM) is being utilized. This will give you a real-time view of memory usage.
2. Resource Monitor: Use the Resource Monitor tool in Windows to get detailed information about how memory is being used by processes.
3. Performance Optimization: Windows is designed to manage memory efficiently. Disabling the paging file entirely might not always be the best approach as it can impact system performance, especially in scenarios where physical memory is scarce.
Given that the total paging size is showing as 0 MB in the system settings, it indicates that the paging file is disabled. Everest might be showing virtual memory data for system-related reasons as mentioned earlier. If your system is running smoothly and you aren't experiencing any performance issues, having some virtual memory allocated should not be a cause for concern.
If you're still curious about the discrepancy in Everest's virtual memory display, you could try contacting Everest's support or checking for updates to see if this issue has been addressed.
Feel free to provide more details or ask any further questions you might have on this topic!
