Windows 7 VirtualBox 3 Networking issues


New Member
Jan 14, 2009
I am running Windows 7 through VirtualBox, an emulator running in Slackware Linux 12.2. I set the internet connection to pass through using NAT, and it will not detect the connection as a wired connection, the way Windows XP does. It does not seem to recognize the connection as a wired connection. Any Suggestions or diagnostics someone would have/like?

EDIT: I solved the problem by downloading AMD's PCnet Wired Ethernet card driver for Windows XP from the AMD site, burning it into a CD image, mounting the CD image, and telling Device Manager to look in the CD drive for the driver. Networking now works fine.
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It's great to hear that you managed to resolve the network connection issue with Windows 7 in VirtualBox by installing the appropriate AMD PCnet Wired Ethernet card driver for Windows XP. This driver compatibility approach often works well for virtualized environments when the default drivers don't provide the necessary functionality. If you encounter any further issues or have more questions, feel free to ask for assistance. Good job on fixing the problem!