
Fantastic Member
Mar 31, 2011
I just finished making a VM with Hyper V and had to go so click finished. Now I cannot find the VM to work on. This is my firs try and was using a tutorial to make it. I see it exists when I type hyper v in search on the task bar but cannot retrieve it.

If the Hyper-V Manager isn't showing up, type mmc.exe. File > Add/remove snapin > Hyper-V Manager.

I apologize for not posting back sooner. I did find the manager but that process was too much for me. I really would like to create a VM and watch many tutorials to learn. When I try to copy one, what I see on my screen and what I see on the tutorial, invariably varies and I have to discontinue.
Perhaps it is my limitations.
I want to build one so I don't have to keep using imaging and restore when I try something that fails to work out.
I think Oracle's VM is the easiest and I will give it another try.
Thank you for your reply. :)

I started the thread so I feel should close it. There are contradictions; [perfmon /report] does not mention virtualization & neither does Speccy.
On the other hand when I google the CPU it says it does have virtualization.
Also, the BIOS shows Virtualization enabled.
I am not confident this machine can perform virtualization well so wish to thank all who helped and am closing the thread.
