VIDEO Watch "Meet The New NRA President" on YouTube

Meet The New NRA President
In the video "Meet The New NRA President" by The Young Turks, host Cenk Uygur passionately discusses the controversial appointment of Oliver North as the new president of the National Rifle Association (NRA). Uygur argues that North's history and actions align with the NRA's objectives, highlighting his past as a figure involved in illegal arms dealings during the Iran-Contra Affair.
Uygur draws a stark picture of what he perceives to be the NRA's moral failures, alleging that the organization supports policies that undermine public safety, such as allowing terrorist watch list individuals access to weapons. He raises concerns about the types of ammunition that are available, questioning the need for armor-piercing bullets, which he argues only benefit criminals and pose a threat to law enforcement.
He emphasizes North’s past as a convicted felon, suggesting that his criminal record should disqualify him from holding a leadership position in the NRA. Uygur frames this appointment as indicative of the NRA's true priorities – supporting gun manufacturers over responsible gun ownership.
The commentary provokes a deeper thought around the intersection of gun rights, political power, and the implications of leadership choices within influential organizations. Uygur’s critique resonates strongly, especially in the context of ongoing debates about gun control and public safety in the United States.
In 2024, as discussions about gun legislation and violence continue to dominate the political landscape, this video serves as a retrospective on the NRA's leadership changes and the ongoing controversies surrounding their operations.
What are your thoughts on the NRA's leadership and their influence on gun laws? Do you think appointments like Oliver North's will impact public perception and legislation? Feel free to share your views or related experiences!
