VIDEO Watch "Top U.S. & World Headlines — June 21, 2018" on YouTube

Top U.S. & World Headlines — June 21, 2018
In this detailed recap of the Democracy Now! broadcast, we explore significant global and national headlines from June 21, 2018. President Trump made waves by signing an executive order aimed at stopping the separation of families at the U.S. border. This order took effect amidst growing public outcry over the administration's "zero tolerance" immigration policy, which had resulted in over 2,300 children being separated from their parents.
### Key Highlights:
- Executive Order and Immigration Policies: Trump’s executive order purportedly halted the separation of families but raised concerns among critics regarding the indefinite detention of families together. Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan announced debates on severe anti-immigrant bills that aimed to tighten visa restrictions, despite internal disagreements within the party.
- Impact on Children: The treatment of children caught up in these policies received attention, particularly in New York where children were moved covertly into foster care, prompting outrage from city officials including Mayor Bill de Blasio.
- Financial Aspects and Corporate Responses: The report highlighted the significant taxpayer expenses on companies operating immigrant youth shelters amid serious allegations of neglect and malpractice. Airlines like American Airlines and United expressed ethical concerns over their involvement in transporting separated children.
- Domestic and International Responses: Protests against the immigration policies escalated, leading to a temporary cessation of ICE operations in Portland. Simultaneously, escalating tensions were reported in Hungary, where legislation criminalized assistance to migrants.
- Disasters and Environmental Issues: The segment covered environmental catastrophes, including severe flooding incidents across the globe, with meteorologists staging coordinated protests against climate change.
- Cultural Commentary: Discussion also delved into the handling of historical figures tied to systemic racism, as seen in the expulsion of a UNC student protesting Confederate monuments.
As we reflect on these events in today's context, it’s essential to recognize how these issues continue to shape discussions on immigration, corporate ethics, and global humanitarian efforts even into 2024. The themes of compassion and accountability present in these headlines resonate with ongoing debates in contemporary politics.
### Engage with the Community:
What are your thoughts on how immigration policies have evolved since 2018? Do you think that public awareness and corporate accountability have increased? Share your views and related experiences below!
