Windows 7 Water cooling


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Aug 28, 2007
Room 237
I'm not trying to spam the place out but thought this product warrented posting for discussion...:cool:
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Personally I've never gone down the watercooling road but as the manufacturers make it easier and more accessible it really does start to become an attractive proposition. One thing that always put me off was the fact the hoses never seemed to fix together very well plus if it goes wrong and you get a leak....bye bye pc!
I'm not trying to spam the place out but thought this product warranted posting for discussion...:cool:
Cooler Master Launches Aquagate Max - VR-Zone IT & Lifestyle Forum!
Personally I've never gone down the watercooling road but as the manufacturers make it easier and more accessible it really does start to become an attractive proposition. One thing that always put me off was the fact the hoses never seemed to fix together very well plus if it goes wrong and you get a leak....bye bye pc!

I've never watered my PC ether but it does have advantages. 1st and for most. Keeps the dust bunny collection to a minimum. 2. quieter and last but not least it just looks Cool :cool:
In the who cares on this subject I believe thats one reason Apple stopped making the water cooled G5. Though it was not the only reason.
so some people believe it's great. But, does it really hold down temperatures. The only commercial water cooled product I can remember is the G5 by Apple. And that did not last all that long did it? What are the costs involved and what does one have to do to get it all together?
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