Windows 7 Web Camps TV #3 - WebMatrix Helpers with Jim Wang


Extraordinary Robot
Jun 27, 2006
Chicago, IL
This week on Web Camps TV, James Senior talks to Jim Wang about the new Helpers in WebMatrix.

WebMatrix (Beta) is the free tool from Microsoft that makes it easy to build websites and web applications, then publish them on the internet with just a couple of clicks of the mouse. In WebMatrix, you can start from scratch using ASP.NET Web Pages or PHP, or you can download a fully functioning web app through tools such as Umbraco, WordPress, or Drupal before tweaking the app and deploying it to a low-cost hosting provider.

Helpers are an important part of website development with ASP.NET Web Pages, making complicated web development tasks much easier by providing simple-to-use APIs. Jim takes us through some of his favorite Helpers and shows off the new WishList template, which will ship in the next preview of WebMatrix.

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