What's your fav game?


Senior Member
May 7, 2007
Well, I would say the Battle Field series, they have nice open maps, and the graphics are pretty good.

Uncharted: Drake's fortune for PS3.
Best game I've ever played.

Runners up:
Guitar Hero III
Assassin's Creed

Ahh, I've heard good things about Assassin's Creed. It's suppose to be so good that you can just watch someone play it.

Never tried Guitar Hero or Rock Band, but they sound fun to me.

I'v played CS, but don't care for it too much. Though it's one of the few games that can run on my laptop's ATI RAGE mobility GPU.

Super mario world

lol, i love that game, and i still play it, but as far as new games go, i haven't played much of any new consoles. I've only played rockband on xbox360 a couple times. its fun tho. My fave all time game is Manhunt on xbox. that game is WICKED!! lol, not looking foward to playing manhunt 2 tho, cuz they had to dumb the violence down for some reason. i hate when they do that!! Is anyone in here a rockband fanatic? i'd like to know this cuz maybe you can tell me if they have any games that has ozzy osbourne songs, cuz the few games i've seen (which were 3 different games) had not 1 ozzy song at all. come to think of it, no metallica songs either. lol, i hope they have these songs somewhere!!! lol

COD4 best single player game and the most in depth online shooter too. Second Counter-Strike 1.3

I'm not into games at all, but once in a great while I will play XP's Internet Checkers. hahahaha
I'm glad to see it back in Windows 7.


I have alot of favorite PC games, see: Link Removed but if I had to pick my most favorite from the group I'd have to say Half Life 2 (not the episode packs).. it was such a revolutionary game in it's day.. I can play it over and over again and it never looses it's awesomeness.. ;)

Runners up:
Counter Strike
Counter Strike: Source

If its got C&C in the title I always like it :) I'm also a sucker for Rainbow six style games, failing that a good motor game like GRID or Flatout 2 usually give me my fix.

My favorite FPS is Battlefield 2 (we'll see how America's Army 3 is though) and my favorite MMORPG is Rappelz.

Gran Turismo I, II, III, IV on the PlayStation

then in no particular order

NeedforSpeed Series
Black Hawk Down

I can't have just 1 favorite game, especially that there are so many different genres. Without order I quite like these:

Link Removed - Invalid URL

- Enter The Matrix, the BEST and ONLY pc martial arts game with nice locations and graphics
- Half-Life Series
- Crysis
- Myst V End Of Ages
- Call Of Duty 4
- Deep Fritz (Chessbase)
- Need For Speed SHIFT
- GTA Vice City Killer Kip's Mod
- Fallout 3
- Far Cry 2
- Portal & Portal Prelude

Been playing cod1 since day one & still playing it!
Call of Duty 1.
Call of Duty 2
Call of Duty 4.
