Windows 7 Where are dump files (.dmp) saved after crash ?


New Member
Mar 6, 2010
When system crash, i get a bsod like this:

After it crash, windows saves the log in C as prefix crash.dmp Where can i get to that log file?
When system crash, i get a bsod like this:

View attachment 5804

After it crash, windows saves the log in C as prefix crash.dmp Where can i get to that log file?

the log file will be %systemroot%\Minidump which is normally C:\windows\Minidump

if the files don't exist then setup your system to record them ;-
  1. Go to Start and type in sysdm.cpl and press Enter
  2. Click on the Advanced tab
  3. Click on the Startup and Recovery Settings button
  4. Ensure that Automatically restart is unchecked
  5. Under the Write Debugging Information header select Small memory dump (256 kB) in the dropdown box
  6. Ensure that the Small Dump Directory is listed as %systemroot%\Minidump << where your .dmp files can be found later
When system crash, i get a bsod like this:

View attachment 5804

After it crash, windows saves the log in C as prefix crash.dmp Where can i get to that log file?

the log file will be %systemroot%\Minidump which is normally C:\windows\Minidump

if the files don't exist then setup your system to record them ;-
  1. Go to Start and type in sysdm.cpl and press Enter
  2. Click on the Advanced tab
  3. Click on the Startup and Recovery Settings button
  4. Ensure that Automatically restart is unchecked
  5. Under the Write Debugging Information header select Small memory dump (256 kB) in the dropdown box
  6. Ensure that the Small Dump Directory is listed as %systemroot%\Minidump << where your .dmp files can be found later
Click OK twice to exit the dialogs, then reboot for the changes to take effect.
When system crash, i get a bsod like this:

View attachment 5804

After it crash, windows saves the log in C as prefix crash.dmp Where can i get to that log file?

Hi -

The bugcheck from the screenshot -

- 0x50 (0xfd3094c2,0x1,0xfbfe7617,0x0) = invalid memory referenced; the object in memory address 0xfbfe7617 attempted to write to the memory address 0xfd3094c2

Either someone is playing a joke on you or you on us. Whichever it is, it is a waste of time and valuable resources.

The screenshot from your alleged Windows 7 system BSOD shows:
- bugcheck = 0x00000050 (0xFD3094C2,0x00000001,0xFBFE7617,0x00000000)
- fault info - SPCMDCON.SYS - Address FBFE7617 base at FBFE5000, DateStamp 3d6dd67c

It is identical to the screenshot found at this CMD_TRICKS_101 site --> Link Removed

Whoever is responsible is not too smart to think that at some point this would not be discovered as the timestamp on the XP recovery console related driver = 3d6dd67c - which translates to Thu Aug 29 04:08:28 2002

Not only is the driver name and timestamp identical to the Tricks_101 screenshot - so are the memory addresses.

Your screenshot is on the left; the screenshot from CMD_Tricks_101 on the right

. .

The batch script from CMD_Tricks_101 that creates that exact BSOD screen -
[font=lucida console]
[color=red][b][SIZE=3]step 5[/SIZE][/b][/color]  BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death)
to create the BSOD, make a batch file, then type what's between the stars


@echo off
cd /
color 17
echo A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage
echo to your computer.
echo The problem seems to be caused by the following file: SPCMDCON.SYS
echo If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen,
echo restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow
echo these steps:
echo Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed.
echo If this is a new installation, ask your hardware or software manufacturer
echo for any Windows updates you might need.
echo If problems continue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware
echo or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing.
echo If you need to use Safe Mode to remove or disable components, restart
echo your computer, press F8 to select Advanced Startup Options, and then
echo select Safe Mode.
echo Technical information:
echo *** STOP: 0x00000050 (0xFD3094C2,0x00000001,0xFBFE7617,0x00000000)
echo *** SPCMDCON.SYS - Address FBFE7617 base at FBFE5000, DateStamp 3d6dd67c
pause >nul
echo Downloading viruses . . .
ping localhost -n 5 >nul
dir /s
pause >nul
shutdown -s -t 120 -c \\\\\\\\\\\"Your computer has committed suicide, have a nice day.\\\\\\\\\\\"
note no damage is done, just prints all files to screen, then shuts down.


Regards. . .


When system crash, i get a bsod like this:

View attachment 5804

After it crash, windows saves the log in C as prefix crash.dmp Where can i get to that log file?


I must agree with John !!

Did you get BSOD unknowingly ?? Or your forcing the PC to crash to analysis the Dump file ?? Because if you run the batch file you'll get exactly the same bugcheck. The driver name, time stamp etc will show up what ever we write in the batch file. We are here to help people who are in real trouble !!

- Captain