
Extraordinary Member
Jan 14, 2009
I have an old program called REGENIE.
I do a search with that and it shows me registry entries under HKLM/Software/Intuit

when I open the registry with REGEDIT I can't see those entries - I can't see.../Intuit

If I export those entries under that, modify it (to delete a bunch of bad entries), and re-enter it with Registry Editor
the entries, ..../Intuit/........., I entered now appear in REGEDIT.

Why can't I see the original entries with REGEDIT when a 10 yr old program can see them?????????????

this is W7 7068 x64

there are many more company entries I can't see also.
But there are a bunch I can see.

PS........ The original ones that I could not see with REGEDIT, I still can't see with REGEDIT
Only the new ones I entered with Registry Editor

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Good Question...........
BUT I found the answer.....................see my original post

U are probably using x64 version, same as I am, RIGHT???

for some reason there must be 2 sections of the registry, 64 bit and a 32 bit.
Why it takes 2 different programs to view them is an MS secret.
look here
C:\Windows\SysWOW64 and run "REGEDIT.EXE"

REGEDIT32.EXE is duplicated in this folder and SYSTEM32
REGEDIT.EXE will show u different entries than "REGEDIT32.EXE"
Are you referring to Quartdeck's regenie?

I am having no problems whatsoever. Did you check permissions?

The HKLM/Software key contains all the software I have installed on my computer.

If the program does not require an install, could you upload the program in zip format so I can check it out.

I also have many different types of registry viewers, so I'll give them a try as well

I do know that Microsoft completely hides files that can't be viewed in Windows Explorer.

The only alternate explorer I have found to show these files is an open source program called Surf

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I do have other tools to read the registry like remote registry editor. What I am wondering is why don't Windows 7 regedit utility show all the registry entries. Is there any particular reason for this? or its a knows that is currently being fixed.

Are there any other people who have experienced the same problem?

Good Question...........
BUT I found the answer.....................see my original post

U are probably using x64 version, same as I am, RIGHT???

for some reason there must be 2 sections of the registry, 64 bit and a 32 bit.
Why it takes 2 different programs to view them is an MS secret.
look here
C:\Windows\SysWOW64 and run "REGEDIT.EXE"

REGEDIT32.EXE is duplicated in this folder and SYSTEM32
REGEDIT.EXE will show u different entries than "REGEDIT32.EXE"

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Yes, you are right we are using 64 bit version. I could have guessed that.

I don't have the pc right now to verify this. but I will do confirm this as asap.

Thanks for the help.


Read the replies.

I also ran REGEDIT32.EXE also and the registries looked identical, but then again I'm using 32-bit.

I do believe there are hidden keys and/or values under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SECURITY branch

Yep, there sure are. I just exported that key and there are hundreds of entries related to user SID's, Policies, and Acceess Control Lists. The file size was 295KB.

After exporting the key, now all those entries are viewable under the Security branch.

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Can't see ANY registry key values in RegEdit or RegEdit32...

They are there if I export... What gives? I believe this issue occured after a windows update a few weeks back. I have two machines affected. I believe this issue is stopping my webcams working, but nothing else seems to have broken...

I also note that other registry editors can see key values.

I'm running Windows 7 64 bit Ultimate (build 7600).

LOOK! - No Key values...

Link Removed - Invalid URL

But on export...

Link Removed - Invalid URL

the horizontal slider would indicate that there is more to be seen in that window.
Are you sure it isn't there off the window????????


Yes - and now I can see the keys on the machine where my webcams don't work I can see a difference in the registry settings for ksthunk.sys.


I am seeing the same. Have you found the reason?
I'm on 64 also and try to open the reg and don't see everything with a registry program I have and a couple others.
If I go to cmd prompt and type regedit it opens and I can see the entries.
I see 4 regedit.exe in a search of Win folder. The one in Syswow64 won't show the entries, the one in root of Win will show them.

Ones I am trying to look at are a right click Computer and it opens Add Remove, that works but can't see the keys. This works ok in X86 a friend told me.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\Add Remove]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\Add Remove\command]
