If you have visited my web page or read my blogs and messages, you'll probably know that I stongly discourage using partitions on a hard drive... mainly because if the partition table gets corrupt you lose EVERYTHING. However, check out this:
Why it may be a GOOD idea to partition a drive.
Simple answer: Because you can HIDE a partition easily and unless you know it's there no one would guess how to bring it back. Here is how to hide the partition: (Assumes you already have a partition.) Don't include quotes.
WARNING: Do not do this to a SYSTEM drive or BOOT partition.
1. Run "Diskpart" from a command prompt. It will take you into the diskpart program.
2. type and enter "list volume"
Suppose you have a partition F, it will show as NTFS format and be labeled PARTITION and is volume 3
3. type and enter "select volume 3"
4. type and enter "remove letter F"
Reboot and you won't see the partition listed.
To recover volume letter F follow the 3 steps above then