Tried to install several dll files still it's showing other dll file missing.
What method did you use to do this and why? If you have missing DLLs from the WINDOWS INSTALLATION, you do not want to try to acquire them manually.
When you say you downloaded the full file, are you talking about the Windows 10 ISO file?
Just redownload the entire thing, and as of this time, try using:
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What's important is that the upgrade succeeds from Windows 7 and that you get the digital license for Windows 10 applied to your Microsoft account. After that, you can fix any issue, really, or even clean install the system after backing up files.
Your post also requires more information. Did you successfully install Windows 10 or did it fail and roll back? Please provide a more detailed description of the problem. I also believe that if you are doing the assistive technology upgrade, and it continues to fail before December 31st, you should contact Microsoft over the phone. It may vary by region, but check out:
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Especially if you rely upon this technology (for real and not just to upgrade Windows 10), this may be your best path. But please do provide more info and maybe more of us on the forum can help you.