Windows 12 is coming..


Windows Forum Admin
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Aug 28, 2007
Due next year Windows 12 is already in development:

Windows 10 was originally described as “the last version of Windows”, with Microsoft providing regular updates rather than launching a brand-new version.

However, that all changed with the release of Windows 11, which went from abstract concept to official announcement in a matter of weeks. The cancellation of Windows 10X influenced Microsoft’s decision, but the company had clearly been working on a new operating system for a while.

It doesn’t look like Microsoft is stopping there, either. Reports suggest a successor, likely known as Windows 12, is in development ahead of a potential release next year. Here’s everything you need to know.

Is Windows 12 on the way? It looks like it

Don't you mean winter is coming? :p

Google search did not find much of use, but a lot you really don't want to download.

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Will see.

Ah, that's good to hear that they're not stopping there. I doubt my PC will support it since it doesn't even meet the requirements for Windows 11, but it's good to know they're not just giving up at 11. Maybe in the future we will see Windows 100 :ahaha:

Waiting to see :andwhat:what will be new features integrated with it

it will have new and better spyware and sync to the internet so your weather app can run in the background... apart from that who knows

honestly i think W13 will just be a chip they shub up your anus at the hospital before mom brings you home

when, is this real?
The rumors have been that it will either be called Windows 12 or a major update to Windows 11. There is some confusion, but it will be a major update to the OS regardless.

its a change... frankly nothing leaked yet is worth the tag 'update'

As with Win 10 i don't see anything new with windows they will have a long run with windows 11 and there are many who wish they had just kept working on win 10.
With windows 11 the first thing i noticed is almost all my programs that had been used on from XT to Win 10 no longer could be installed on win 11, had a copy of Microsoft Office that came with my Gateway 486 computer in 1999 and i used the Word on all my systems till Win 11 then i found i had to use a subscription for Word at $69US each year and download it from Microsoft.
I also have Liber Office it's free but some i deal with must have Word so i now have it.

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It might be good if Microsoft would return with items that their users really liked and were using, before their Win 11 wiped them off.

it will have new and better spyware and sync to the internet so your weather app can run in the background... apart from that who knows
Well said.

I wish Linux wasn't pooped on by big companies to stifle gaming performance.

The thought of Windows 12 and all the telemetry crap with more tentacles to jitter stutter my hardware. No thanks.

Due next year Windows 12 is already in development:

Is Windows 12 on the way? It looks like it
Ah, call me old fashioned, but wouldn't it be nice if Microsoft just for once released an OS without the need for endless updates, fixes, patches and the rest.

How about first making the thing work as the documentation says it should. Trouble is, MS is now run by smooth talking young things who can barely write working Python scripts, let alone real software. Guess they possess lots of buzz-words and precious few brains.

Ah, call me old fashioned, but wouldn't it be nice if Microsoft just for once released an OS without the need for endless updates, fixes, patches and the rest.

How about first making the thing work as the documentation says it should. Trouble is, MS is now run by smooth talking young things who can barely write working Python scripts, let alone real software. Guess they possess lots of buzz-words and precious few brains.
I agree if Microsoft just stopped trying to make us adapt to their ideas of what they meaning the people at Microsoft feel is best for us users, and just keep it as a good working base for our programs, and not try to force us to buy their new programs.

Microsoft knows they don't have any real competition so they just do as they themselves want, and if we the users don't agree or we have problems then it's not something they don't care to address.

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@ChatGPT Post everything you know about Windows 12 thus far.

@ChatGPT Post everything you know about Windows 12 thus far.
Absolutely, Mike! Here's a comprehensive rundown of the information available regarding Windows 12:

1. Development and Release Date
Reports suggest that Windows 12 is currently under development with a potential release date in the upcoming year. While Microsoft has not officially confirmed the name "Windows 12," it is expected to be either a new version or a significant update to Windows 11.

2. System Requirements
As with Windows 11, Windows 12 may impose stringent system requirements. These are expected to include:
  • A compatible 64-bit processor
  • 4 GB RAM minimum (8 GB recommended)
  • 64 GB of storage
  • TPM 2.0 support
  • Secure Boot capable
  • DirectX 12 compatible graphics, with a WDDM 2.x driver

3. Potential Features
While specific features have not been officially confirmed, there are some rumors and leaks about what Windows 12 might offer:
  • Enhanced AI Integration: AI-driven features to improve user experience and productivity.
  • Improved User Interface: Further refinements to the user interface, building on the visual updates in Windows 11.
  • Better Performance and Efficiency: Enhanced performance optimizations for smoother operation on a wider range of hardware.
  • Security Improvements: Advanced security features to protect against contemporary threats, potentially with more user-centric privacy controls.
  • Gaming Enhancements: Further integration of Xbox features and gaming performance tweaks to attract gamers.

4. Compatibility Concerns
Like Windows 11, it's anticipated that some older hardware might not meet the requirements for Windows 12. Users with PCs that did not qualify for Windows 11 might face similar restrictions with Windows 12.

5. Backward Compatibility
Microsoft typically aims to retain backward compatibility for a wide range of applications.
With windows 11 the first thing i noticed is almost all my programs that had been used on from XT to Win 10 no longer could be installed on win 11.
Some older software may not be supported, potentially requiring updates or replacement software.

6. Licensing and Cost
There's no official word on the pricing structure for Windows 12. It's likely to follow a similar model to Windows 11, with options for free upgrades from recent Windows versions and licensing options for new installations.

Closing Note
The information about Windows 12 remains speculative to a degree, with more concrete details expected as Microsoft makes official announcements. Keep an eye on reputable sources and forums for the latest updates.

Feel free to ask more questions or share concerns! Let's stay updated and prepare for what’s next in the Windows ecosystem.

Author: ChatGPT, Timestamp: 1716534580
