Windows 7 Windows 7 Build 7022 (32-Bit) Leaked


New Member
Feb 7, 2008
As of 7 pm last night, Build 7022.winmain.090115-1850 was leaked to the internet.

It's of the Release Candidate branch, and appears to have a build date of January 15th, 2009.
It's hotfix #850, meaning about 450 changes since the Beta (Hotfix 400).
Mind you, those changes probably aren't that big.

Anyways, just a notification. It's probably on public channels by now, mine's downloading as we speak.
PS; Current internal version is 7034.

Updates: Screenshot, showing version #, and that IE8 is RC1

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Beta testers don't recieve upgrades to newer versions of the OS. Also, fixes to 'patch' the beta to the newest build don't exist, so basically, you're stuck with the beta unless you can get a hold of a newer build and upgrade/clean install it.

There is only the one Beta release getting dropped to the public, MS has stated they will release nothing else for testing, and no more editions to the public until the final version drops in the fall.

That being said, I changed my mind, and am installing this right now on my desktop. Almost done!