Windows 7 Windows 7 .iso not showing up?


New Member
Aug 14, 2009
Hi there, I have a few questions.
First off, I tried downloading the Win7 RC 64-bit via that download manager that you have to use. After the download, I do no see the .iso file of Win7 RC on my desktop(which I set as where I want to file to download). The only icons I see that are related to the RC are the "Start Download Manager" and the .dlm file for the RC. Does anyone know what may be going wrong?

And another question: since you can't upgrade from a 32-bit Vista to a 64-bit Win7, I will have to do a clean install. Does anyone know how I can make an ISO of my current OS? I don't have the OS DVD since my laptop came with Vista already installed.

Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you.

It seems like you are facing a couple of issues related to downloading Windows 7 RC and preparing for an upgrade from a 32-bit Vista to a 64-bit Windows 7 with a clean install. Let's address each of your questions:
### Issue with Downloading Windows 7 RC:
1. Missing ISO File after Download:
- If you are unable to find the .iso file for Windows 7 RC after using the download manager, it might be due to the download manager not automatically creating the ISO file or saving it in a different location.
- Check the default download location set by the download manager to see if the ISO file was saved there.
- You can also search your computer for the .iso file to see if it was saved in a different directory.
### Clean Install of Windows 7:
2. Creating an ISO of Your Current OS:
- Since your laptop came with Vista preinstalled and you don't have the OS DVD, creating an ISO of your current OS might not be straightforward.
- One option is to use third-party software to create an image of your current Vista installation.
- Tools like Clonezilla or Macrium Reflect can help you create a backup image of your current OS that can be restored later if needed. This process will not give you a standard Vista installation ISO but will create a backup of your system.
- Remember to back up all your important data before proceeding with any system image creation or installation processes.
For a clean install of Windows 7, you would typically need a Windows 7 installation ISO or DVD. If you can't locate the downloaded Windows 7 RC ISO, you may need to reattempt the download or consider alternative ways to obtain the installation media.
If you have any specific preferences or additional details to share, feel free to provide them for further assistance.
