
New Member
Oct 5, 2009
I was currently using the demo version of Windows 7 before I went to the launch and got the Licenced version of Windows 7. Before I could install it this problem occured.

Apon start up when prompt for User Login Everything is frozen.
My Keyboard, Mouse and also External Mouse does not work. \
I tried to enter safe mode but the same problem occurs.
Is this a known windows 7 issue or something else?

Its a Toshiba Qosmio laptop x305-q705 so no standard round ports here.
Was able to install my new windows 7 and regained the use of my touch pad
and keyboard. So still no idea on what the problem was or how it occurred but its
fixed now.
you try different usb ports?

how long are you waiting for it to respond?

That sounds bad... Have you unplugged your system and let it sit for a few mins... then pulgged it back in and tried to restart? Often during installations, ESPECIALLY upgrading from Vista or whatever, the warm boots just don't clear devices and your drivers get locked up trying to set up a device that's still running. In the old days, when we had to reconfigure a land line modem we always had to kill the power and wait for the memory on the modems to drain and clear.

Just a guess.. but something to take into consideration. I've seen strange things going on and lockups that would be cleared up by turning off the computer and letting it sit for a couple minutes.

along those same lines, you could turn it off and unplug the power from the psu. Once that is done, press the power button to clear out all of the capacitors and whatnot. That may help...

Have tried letting it sit option a few times even for a full day without any power an still apon start up it is locked shut. Have mutiple usb ports an does not have any effect to which I use the result is the same.

I am currently trying to boot my system from the new Windows 7 Ultimate c.d..
It is working and installing windows I have my system backed up before this event occurred so
I should be fine. Will update if this does not work. Hopefully nobody else has this issue.
Cause it is not a easy fix.

Have tried letting it sit option a few times even for a full day without any power an still apon start up it is locked shut. Have mutiple usb ports an does not have any effect to which I use the result is the same.

Can you try an adaptor that connects your mouse and keyboard usb to the standard round ports on the back of your computer? ... and eliminate the use of all your usb ports?

Its a Toshiba Qosmio laptop x305-q705 so no standard round ports here.
Was able to install my new windows 7 and regained the use of my touch pad
and keyboard. So still no idea on what the problem was or how it occurred but its
fixed now.
