Windows 7 Windows 7 - modular and suscription based


Senior Member
May 7, 2007

I think it's an interesting read. Perhaps we shall have modules, like for entertainment, music, buisness, et cetera.

And also pay for modules on a yearly basis.

That would suck.
If they go subscription based, I'm going to linux/ Mac OSx86, or sticking to XP.
I hate how they try to dig money out of us, as if $300 for a decent OS isn't charge enough.

That would totally suck,it would be almost like WoW...

Can't say I would be a fan of this. I think it would push me even farther away from Windows.

It wouldn't push me away,but it would definitely increase the installation time...

Well, why is it that you don't like the idea of a suscription? You are paying for extra space at Google's server for pictures and email, and I beleive Flickr has that as well, so why not $30 or $50 a year for Windows?

BTW: WB Snake.

Too expensive,especially for businesses,which won't be happy to upgrade their computers every time a new version is released...

Meh, buisnesses are always slow, a lot of then used 2000 when XP came out, and nothing stops them from using old Windows OSes.

Anyway, I think large buisnesses use VLKs that are paid on a yearly basis, or I could be totaly wrong. :P
