Windows 7 Windows 7 pricing is a potential obstacle for users


New Member
Jan 16, 2009
"In tough economic times, I think it's naive to believe that you can increase your prices on average and then still see a strong swell than if you held prices flat or even lowered them. I can tell you that the licensing tiers at retail are more expensive than they were for Vista." Link Removed due to 404 Error
Nice article and true. Majority of people will not be buying it if its to much. I would think alot of brand systems though will work it into their cost somehow though, although it wont be a actual retail copy of it.
I know that Im going to buy a copy of 7, maybe not the retail box, propbably an OEM copy.
I will likely be replacing my wife's laptop next year and she'll get Win 7 on it. Other than that I don't expect to be paying for any copies since I get them through work.

It would be good to keep the pricing down as much as possible though, this isn't the best economy to be trying to make as much as you can per copy. I think most people will be getting their copy OEM with a new PC though, I don't know many people that buy retail copies.

That dont sound good . Guess if your cash strapped folk will look for alternative means to get the new OS
I hope they price it reasonably. On the flip side, since the beta was released, all those people fixing the problems we sent them, aren't working for free!! I'll bet even Microsoft has a budget it goes by. I guess the choice is stay with XP or Vista or shell out some coin. No such thing as a free lunch

So true but maybe a stroke of luck may befall one
I wish Microsoft would take an example from Apple in this regard to pricing and options for purchasing the Operating System. Apple has a superior Operating System 'Leopard' to Windows 7 and is priced at less than $100 dollars and is offered in 1 consumer choice and a Server choice. Microsoft should provide a consumer package and a business package and thats it. No basic, no ultimate, etc, just a standard consumer and business. This would cut a lot of the confusion and folks would know exactly where they stand. They offered Vista Ultimate for users previously and what did folks get extra? dream scene? some extra wallpapers and sound packs? was that worth the extra $ shelled out, imho no way...

Seriously i've been really impressed by Windows 7 and i hope Microsoft don't mess it up by charging folks a stupid amount of money for it. If they do I can see a lot of folks using torrents to obtain their copies which allows for botnets to be built and i get more spam asking if i'd like viagra lol... :| which i don't for the record.
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You can't make a blanket statement like that as it's mostly subjective. Apple certainly has a good OS but it doesn't do everything better than Windows. Try running Leopard in a corporate environment and see how you feel about it.

And it doesn't matter how cheapo M$ makes Win 7, people will continue to pirate it. There's no way around it unless you make it completely free, which just isn't going to happen. I do agree that pricing is a touchy subject, hopefully they will keep the economic times in mind and not price it out of most people's reach.