Windows 7 Windows 7 Tutorials


New Member
Apr 10, 2009
Hello everyone.

I've been surfing this site for a while and thought I'd post something.

I found a site with some Windows 7 Tutorials on it which I think might come in handy for beginners.

Windows 7 Tutorials

I really dislike advertising other sites. Wrongly perhaps, I feel it is disloyal. But.
There have been arguments between geek police, and the true originator of the tutorials. I am represented on the original site, and the Author of the tutorials is a likeable poster, and the Administrator of two admirable help forums, and, to add , an MVP.
The original address for the tutorials is
Tutorials - Windows 7 Forums
Perhaps my post was badly worded. I did not mean to imply that you should not advertise other sites. The is your prerogative. - I was speaking only of my own feeling on the matter.
My only reason for even bothering to post was to redirect to the correct author. None here is disputing copyright as far as I know.
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