Windows Vista Windows Vista Background won't Change



I am having trouble with the my background in Vista. I had it set as a daisy background that came with Vista, but out of nowhere, it defaulted to a standard color. It will let me change the color of the background, but will not let me set a picture or any other type. I go through the steps of changing it, selecting it, pushing OK, but nothing happens...

It's a Dell desktop...
Video Card is a Nvidia GeForce 6150 LE

I've tried changing the resolution...The system came with Vista Premium preinstalled and worked well. The driver is up to date as well...

It's a Dell desktop Dimension E521
Athlon 64 X2 dual core 3600+
1GB Ram
Video Card is a Nvidia GeForce 6150 LE
same prob

Yeah, I have the same problem on an Asus G1S-A1. Has anyone been able to figure out the culprit? I read some other threads from July 5th, and I assume since there have been no posts on it that the problem was fixed? This is a really annoying problem and it seems that it's a Vista related issue, not hardware :S. If ANYONE has the solution, please email me back asap ([email protected]).
Same problem here

I am having the exact same problem, I can only change colors in background but I can't have an image as background. I'm using a Toshiba laptop that originally had winXP and I upgraded to Vista with the disc that toshiba sent me by mail.

Vista.. Vista.. Vista.

I am also experiencing the same problem. One day the background i wanted was there and then the next day it was a color. I have Windows Vista on a Gateway computer. I have tried to change the background several different ways, but it will only let me choose a color. I just don't understand. I am a photographer, and really like to see my pictures as my background. Please HELP! If anyone knows the answer, please email me at [email protected], Thanks.
background change

I am also experiencing the same problem. One day the background i wanted was there and then the next day it was a color. I have Windows Vista on a Gateway computer. I have tried to change the background several different ways, but it will only let me choose a color. I just don't understand. I am a photographer, and really like to see my pictures as my background. Please HELP! If anyone knows the answer, please email me at [email protected], Thanks.

if you found out what to do please let me know ,,Thank you Louann
Background display problem

I have come across this twice. Once I fixed and the other one is still doing my head in. Here is the solution that worked on the first laptop. The problem was related to Group Policy.

[FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']Run regedit and check the location here:

User Key: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\
Value Name: Wallpaper, WallpaperStyle
Data Type: REG_SZ (String Value)
Normally there is NO policy set in this key. If the policy above is set, the user cannot change wallpaper styles.

You can right click on and delete any values there.

If nothing there, also check this key for the same entry:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\syste m

You will normally see some policies set in this key, but not the one above.

[FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']If that fails, copy the following into a text file and then rename the file extension to .reg. Double click it to import it into the registry. Reboot and test.[/FONT]
[FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[/FONT]



I am having the same problem. Has anyone found a solution? ugh

The solution I found was to open regedit, and go to this folder:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\ . Once there, I changed forceactivedesktopon to 0 (in the Explorer subfolder), and deleted the Wallpaper entry (was garbage chars.) in the System subfolder. Not sure which was the fix, but both make sense.

How do you get to that?

I have the same stupid problem.....
it was the wallpaper

The solution I found was to open regedit, and go to this folder:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\ . Once there, I changed forceactivedesktopon to 0 (in the Explorer subfolder), and deleted the Wallpaper entry (was garbage chars.) in the System subfolder. Not sure which was the fix, but both make sense.

Thanks The subfolder was already set at zero. I deleted the the Wallpaper entry and that did the trick. My email is [email protected]. I am wondering how you found that fix?

The solution I found was to open regedit, and go to this folder:
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPolicies . Once there, I changed forceactivedesktopon to 0 (in the Explorer subfolder), and deleted the Wallpaper entry (was garbage chars.) in the System subfolder. Not sure which was the fix, but both make sense.

This is what worked for me

Click Start
Click Run
Type: regedit
Navigate to the following registry entry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System
"Wallpaper"=SZ:C:\WINDOWS\desktop.html (yours might be slightly different)
Click one time on the entry
Push Delete on the keyboard or delete the r off the end of the word wallpaper if your not brave enough to delete the whole thing ;) eg: wallpape
Click Yes
Close the Registry editor
Fixed it.

Thanks a million for the tip to fix the problem. I added the forceactivedesktopon string value and deleted the Wallpaper one and it fixed everything. Thank you SO much.
My DH tried the directions above and it did NOT fix our problem. Any other fixes/suggestions? Thanks
Something else to try Katrina:

1. Run "Regedit".

2. Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ Windows\CurrentVersion\policies

3. If you see a folder (key) "ActiveDesktop" select it. If not, make a new key and label it "ActiveDesktop".

4. If you see "NoChangingWallPaper", double-click the DWORD value and set it to "0". Otherwise, you need to create a new DWORD value of "NoChangingWallPaper" and set it to "0".

5. Try changing your wallpaper. If this fix doesn't solve the problem, you may also need to make the above registry changes at location: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\ Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies .
When I try to go to Regedit it takes me to a list that has:


What is this and why can't I go to the correct place? Please help me. Thank you.
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