Windows 7 Won't Show router and just local internet


New Member
Apr 13, 2009
I am running windows 7 build 7022 beta. i purchased a dlink di-634m 2.4ghz airplus extreme 108g mimo router. Also a arris cable modem and my isp is comcast. the problem is when i connect my pc to my modem (via ethernet cable) i get full internet and it's all fine. but when i connect my pc to my router and my router to my modem all i get is local internet. i thought about uninstalling norton 360 and then reconnecting it all then re-installin 360.. When i have windows diagnose it's says cannot connect to primary dns, and also very often it will say that my modem has an invalid ip configuration... But the thing is when i connect my router to my pc it doesnt ahow up as a device or anything. which means i can't access it to change any of it's configuration.. Can anyone please help??

I am running windows 7 build 7022 beta. i purchased a dlink di-634m 2.4ghz airplus extreme 108g mimo router. Also a arris cable modem and my isp is comcast. the problem is when i connect my pc to my modem (via ethernet cable) i get full internet and it's all fine. but when i connect my pc to my router and my router to my modem all i get is local internet. i thought about uninstalling norton 360 and then reconnecting it all then re-installin 360.. When i have windows diagnose it's says cannot connect to primary dns, and also very often it will say that my modem has an invalid ip configuration... But the thing is when i connect my router to my pc it doesnt ahow up as a device or anything. which means i can't access it to change any of it's configuration.. Can anyone please help??

Thank you for stating your problem clearly and providing information about your Win 7 Beta Build and the exact make and model of your Router, and the type of Modem and its Make and your ISP name.
I will be glad to help you.
With this information we might be able to troubleshoot and hopefully solve your Internet connection problem through this this D-link Wireless Router [ D- link has stopped supporting this old DI-634m Router] using ethernet cable and if possible wireless networking also provided you have the hardware for that aslo.
Before I start, I might need a few more bits of information and I will ask if more data is needed depending upon your responses to these initial questions.

  1. What is the make and model of the Network Interface Card ( Ethernet adapter) and if there is a Wireless adapter ( either Internal PCI card or External USB Wireless adapter) its Make and Model ?
  2. Has Windows 7 Installed the correct Driver for the network adapters? Find this by:
    1. Right- click Computer>Device Manager > Verify any ! or ? on a yellow background against any devices and scroll down to and clickthe Right arrowhead of the Network adapters cluster and see what is(are) listed there?
  3. At present on your DI- 634M router, what LEDs are lit Solid green?
  4. Does the Link led blinks at the Ethernet Port of your Computer where the Cat5/6 Straight-through cable from the Router is inserted?
I will await your responses for the next steps.

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1.My nic is Realtek RTL8139/810x family fast ethernet..
i have no wireless adapter for my p.c

2. On my device manager under network adapters there is a adapter with a ! against a yellow background. It's teredo tunneling Psuedo-Interface.

3. On my router the only solid green light is power. My status light is flashing orange. My Wan light is blinking green very fasty. my wlan is slowly flashing red.

4. the led for my pc is a solid green but after some time it flashes

1.My nic is Realtek RTL8139/810x family fast ethernet..
i have no wireless adapter for my p.c

2. On my device manager under network adapters there is a adapter with a ! against a yellow background. It's teredo tunneling Psuedo-Interface.

3. On my router the only solid green light is power. My status light is flashing orange. My Wan light is blinking green very fasty. my wlan is slowly flashing red.

4. the led for my pc is a solid green but after some time it flashes

Since you cannot see your Realtek RTL8139/810x family fast ethernet.. adapter in the DM and it has a yellow ! with teredo tunneling Psuedo-Interface, you need to install the Latest Win VISTA 64 Bit driver ( Win 7 drivers are not available yet) for your Realtek RTL8139/810x family fast ethernet.. adapter .

  • Is your computer a brand name one or Self- assembled . If Brand name PC Please post its Make and Model otherwise the Make and Model of the Motherboard and if an Add -on PCI NIC is used its make and model as well. this is to help you with drivers if required
  • You have to download the VISTA X64 drivers for your Network adapter ( LAN) from the manufacturer's download site. It is also a good idea to get Chipset drivers from the manufacturer's site as LAN drivers may be part of that.
  • You can keep the Driver.EXE file and an unzipped version of the Driver Exe file in a separate folder just in case later windows DM looks specifically for the Inf files. Have these file on a Flash drive, CD or even a named folder on your desktop but you should remember the full path to the file just in case we need that during installation from the Device Manager.
  • Powe Off the Modem and Router
  • Remove the Ethernet cable from the LAN port of Router to the PC's Ethernet port, It is Ok to let it remain connected at the PC's LAN port.
  • Remove the Ethernet cable from Modem to Router's WAN port at both ends.
    • At this time both Modem and Router are powered off and no lit LED on them
    • Router is isolated from Modem.
    • Computer has no connection of its Ethernet cable to modem or Router.
  • Power On the Modem and wait for its Power and Cable or DSL LEDs to be solid green
  • Connect the loose end of ethernet cable from the Computer's Ethernet port to Modems' Ethernet Port
  • You should see the LEDs of Power | Ethernet |and DSL or Cable staying green on Modem
  • If you have not already setup your Internet connection via Win 7 do so:
    • Control Panel> Network and Internet > View network status and tasks
    • Setup a new Connection or network
    • use the wizard to setup your Broadband connection that is always on.
  • See that the Network icon has appeared on Notification area
  • Launch IE and see you are able to get connection to the Internet/Email/ Messengers etc using just the Braodband Modem directly without your Router which needs configuration as a second step
Please post back for any help with details

okay it does show my realtek in dm and i have the latest driver it says, i did all of your instructions and i get full internet through just my modem.

okay it does show my realtek in dm and i have the latest driver it says, i did all of your instructions and i get full internet through just my modem.
Glad you can get the Internet in this PC.
Now that you have configured your NIC and Broadband modem to successfully access the Internet, the next step is to configure your Router to enable this computer to access the Internet via that Router at the same time create a Home/office network so that other Computers in the Network can independently access the Internet via Router and Modem and be able to share files and printers amongst them.
Have you verified whether your present Router, dlink di-634m 2.4ghz airplus extreme 108g mimo can support VISTA which we use as a surrogate for Win 7 Beta? If not, please check D-link support to see if there is any firmware that can make it VISTA ready. If your Broadband Router is VISTA- ready, you can start configuring your Router to setup a Network. Please post back with details for help.

yes i looked on the vsta compatible site and the dlink site and it is compatible with vista. Also the latest firmware is installed=2.01 and i create a work connection so my computer can be discoverable, so i am ready to configure my router for a network...

yes i looked on the vsta compatible site and the dlink site and it is compatible with vista. Also the latest firmware is installed=2.01 and i create a work connection so my computer can be discoverable, so i am ready to configure my router for a network...

Then you can do the following steps:

  1. Power Off the BroadbandModem and the Computer to which it is now directly connected.
  2. Remove the ethernet cable from the Computer's Ethernet Port and connect it to D-Link Router's WAN Port
  3. Turn on the Power of BroadbandModem
  4. Wait and watch for Power LED to be solid green , the Status LED yellow and WAN LED to be Solid green. the WLAN may be blinking.
  5. Now connect the 2nd Ethernet cable from any numbered LAN port to the PC's Ethernet port. and Start the Computer.
  6. From the Win 7 Desktop click Start> Search programs and Files and type in CMD [ENTER]
  7. In the Command prompt (>) type IPCONFIG /ALL [ notethe single space after IPCONFIG]
  8. Important things to make a note of in the screen when you scroll down :
    • Under Windows IP Configuration:
      • Host Name....:Your Computer's name
    • Under Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
      • Connection- specific DNS suffix. :
        Description...............................: Your Ethernet Networking Controller
      • DHCP Enabled ...........................: Yes
      • Autoconfiguration Enabled..........: Yes
      • Ipv4 address.............................: 192.168.0.XX
      • Subnet Mask..............................:
      • Deafault Gateway.......................:
      • DHCP Server..............................:
Your Host name and IPv4 address may be needed for any troubleshoot in homenetwork to resolve problem accessing computer from one to another

Deafault Gateway.......................: is what you may need to launch web-based Network configuration. If you have a wired LAN access to the Internet you cann type in that IP Number of Deafault Gateway for a log in screen to type the default login name and password to enter the Configuration window for Internet/LAN and Wireless Config VPN, Lan Config etc depending upon your Router.
Next at the command prompt > type Ping and see you can send a packet to your Router which must receive without packet loss
If successful, send a Ping with a known IP number of a well known Internet site like example:
Next ping with a URL of well known site
If all 4 packets are sent and received with no loss your Router is setup for Wired Networking and you should be able to access the Internet through the browser if you have already used Windows 7 Control panel>Network and Internet>View network status and tasks> Setup a new connection or network....> and use the wizard otherwise that must be done.
If you have wireless adpter and want Wireless and wired or pure wireless network that needs further steps
Hope this helps

make sure all computers in your netwok have same workgroup name andsame admin password to make home network easier to setup.

okay well i got it to show m router and i pinged and had a 0% loss but it's still only local access and when i diagnose now i get cannot connect to primary dns server

okay well i got it to show m router and i pinged and had a 0% loss but it's still only local access and when i diagnose now i get cannot connect to primary dns server
it seems like something is blocking your Internet access from Router. Do you have any 3rd party Firewalls like Norton/Mcafee in this system to disable and try again?
Edit: Sorry , you had stated you uninstalled in your original post.

Can you get the Web configuration Login screen for your Router when you type in the Default Gateway IP numbers onIE's Adressbar [ENTER]

As a last resort you may try OpenDNS. by:

1. Locate your Local Area Connection ( if you need the steops will post later)
2. Right click>Local Area Connection > Properties
3.Point to Internet protocol version4 (TCP/IPv4)
4. Click Properties button
5. Click the Radio button of (O) Use the following DNS server addresses
6. In the Preferred DNS Server box, type []
7. In the Alternate DNS Server box , type [] OK
Launch IE and see
If this does not work , I am at the end of my knowledge on this issue :-(
Hope someone else can help you or
call your Router tech support or ISP Tech support

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Open the Control Panel - Network and sharing area.
Click "Change Adapter settings"
Right click your adapter. (Probably on the right) and click properties.
Double Click Internet protocol version - both 4 and 6, and in both boxes, in both windows, select "obtain an IP** address automatically-'
If you still do not have the connection, return to the Network and sharing Center.
Try to work through the first option "Set up a new connection or network."

If all still fails, try the final option "Troubleshoot problems" This is not futile - it can often pinpoint a particular issue.

If you can get on internet connected straight to your modem then problem is not with pc or software. If you are using router for first time it is possible that Comcast will only allow access if it sees your pc MAC address. I have seen this issue many times. Try connecting pc to router and go to the setup/configuration and clone your pc MAC address. Power everything off,reconnect router to modem,pc to router and give it a go. Good luck

If you can get on internet connected straight to your modem then problem is not with pc or software. If you are using router for first time it is possible that Comcast will only allow access if it sees your pc MAC address. I have seen this issue many times. Try connecting pc to router and go to the setup/configuration and clone your pc MAC address. Power everything off,reconnect router to modem,pc to router and give it a go. Good luck
Well , well , well. So this particular ISP once it finds that it is getting connection request from a Broadband Router, it refuses connection and wants to use the MAC address of the NIC in that particular PC which was given when the Direct PC > Modem > ISP connection was in existence, Rt?
MAC cloning through the Router's Installation CD or via Web Based Configuration Utility can circumvent that road block :-)

2 instances I've seen were with Comcast where users account was created before a router was used. Account apparantly linked to MAC of the pc when activated. Other case was on a DSL setup where user wanted to add a router to existing modem. A Linksys techsupport guy clued me in...never would have figured out on my own! Not sure how all ISP's validate their customers. I only replied to the message since the problem looked a lot like the instances I experienced....did not intend to step on anyones toes.

2 instances I've seen were with Comcast where users account was created before a router was used. Account apparantly linked to MAC of the pc when activated. Other case was on a DSL setup where user wanted to add a router to existing modem. A Linksys techsupport guy clued me in...never would have figured out on my own! Not sure how all ISP's validate their customers. I only replied to the message since the problem looked a lot like the instances I experienced....did not intend to step on anyones toes.


I believe you had hit the bull's eye with your conclusion and remedy. If we put the original posting by gagliardo17 and your answer next to it, it appears to me now to be the perfect match for a Q and A. We will await the final verdict from gagliardo17.
Thank you for posting back.

If he follows through my post, he will be asked to put in his Mac address, before the setup can proceed..
