Windows 7 Wrong files being played.. No AVI support


New Member
Mar 20, 2009
Hi, so i recently did a fresh install to 7057 x64. After i installed i gave myself access to one of my partitions that had all my movies and music on it. For some reason every time i try to play a song windows media player will say the right name and such but it will be the wrong song.. Also i can install K lite codec but it after its done installing i cannot play AVI file types. Im not sure what im doing wrong. Maybe someone can shed some light? thanks

It seems like you are facing a few issues with media playback on your Windows 7 build 7057 x64 after a fresh install. Let's address each of your concerns:

### Incorrect Song Playback in Windows Media Player:
When Windows Media Player displays the correct name but plays a different song, it could be due to metadata errors or database issues within the media player. You can try the following steps to resolve this issue:
1. Clearing Windows Media Player database:
- Close Windows Media Player completely.
- Press Windows key + R, type %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Media Player in the Run dialog box, and press Enter.
- Delete all files in the directory that opens (Do not delete the Media Player folder itself).
- Restart Windows Media Player. It will rebuild the database.

2. Rebuilding Media Library:
- Open Windows Media Player.
- Go to the Organize menu and select Manage Libraries > Music.
- Remove your media folders and then add them back to force a full library refresh.

### Issues with AVI File Playback and K Lite Codec Pack:
After installing the K Lite Codec Pack, if you cannot play AVI files, there might be some conflicts with the codecs. Here's what you can try:
1. Uninstall and Reinstall K Lite Codec Pack:
- Uninstall the K Lite Codec Pack from your system.
- Restart your computer.
- Download and install the latest version of K Lite Codec Pack from a trusted source.

2. Check Default Programs:
- Ensure that Windows Media Player is set as the default program for AVI files.
- Right-click an AVI file, go to Open with > Choose another app, then select Windows Media Player and check Always use this app to open .avi files.

3. Use VLC Media Player:
- If the issues persist, consider using VLC Media Player as an alternative media player. It comes with its own codecs and supports a wide range of file formats.

### Additional Recommendations:
  • Ensure that your system is up to date with the latest Windows updates and drivers.
  • Run a full system scan to check for any malware that might be affecting media playback.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the issues you are facing with media playback on your Windows 7 system. If you encounter any other issues or need further assistance, feel free to ask!
