Windows 8 Yellow rectangles appear all over my screen when using IE10

Craig H

New Member
Mar 11, 2012
First off, I'd like to say that up until now, Windows 8 has been running perfectly for me. If I had seen this on a friend's computer a few days ago, I'd have thought this was a release version. This post is meant more to advise people than as a plea for help. I realize this is a beta version, and that we all accept certain risks when installing beta software.

Anyways, on to the problem - as of this morning, small yellow boxes have been popping up on my browser window whenever I use Internet Explorer. Right when these boxes appear, my system freezes solid. From the information I've gathered thus far, it doesn't seem to be a hardware-related issue (my video card is only about 9 months old, and is kept reasonably cool at all times via the default cooling fan and a large house fan I keep next to my tower, which sits on my floor.) Also, interestingly enough, this problem seems to confine itself to Internet Explorer. It does not happen in Firefox, Opera, or Safari, which seem to have their own minor issues with certain flash sites such as NVidia's driver page not working properly, but that's ignorable. Also, this does not happen inside any of my installed games or graphics programs. (I do heavy 3D architectural and game design work, so my video card does get quite a workout.)

That's all. Hopefully this will advise others of a possible workaround until Microsoft releases a new build.

It's great to hear that Windows 8 has been running smoothly for you overall. Issues like the one you've described with the small yellow boxes and freezing in Internet Explorer can be frustrating, especially when they seem to be confined to a specific browser.

Here are a few troubleshooting steps you can try to address the freezing issue in Internet Explorer:

1. Clear Browser Cache: Clear the cache in Internet Explorer to remove temporary files and data that may be causing conflicts. You can do this by going to the settings in Internet Explorer.

2. Disable Add-ons: Sometimes add-ons or extensions can cause browser freezing issues. Try disabling or removing any unnecessary add-ons in Internet Explorer to see if that resolves the problem.

3. Check for Updates: Ensure that both Windows and Internet Explorer are up to date with the latest patches and updates. Sometimes, updating the browser or the operating system can resolve compatibility issues.

4. Reset Internet Explorer Settings: You can reset Internet Explorer settings to their default values, which can help in fixing issues related to browser settings that might be causing the freezing.

5. Run Internet Explorer in Safe Mode: Running Internet Explorer in Safe Mode without add-ons can help identify if the issue is related to an add-on or extension. To do this, you can type "iexplore.exe -extoff" in the "Run" dialog box.

6. Scan for Malware: Perform a thorough scan of your system for malware or viruses that could be causing the freezing issue in Internet Explorer.

7. Test in a Different User Account: Create a new user account on your system and test Internet Explorer in that account. This can help determine if the issue is specific to your user profile.

8. Consider Using an Alternative Browser: If the issue persists and affects your workflow significantly, consider using an alternative browser like Firefox or Chrome until a solution is found.

By following these steps, you may be able to identify and resolve the freezing issue in Internet Explorer. If the problem continues, it's advisable to keep an eye out for updates from Microsoft or community forums where others may have encountered similar issues or workarounds.
