VIDEO Yngwie Malmsteen Style Nylon String Shred!


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009
:stars: :cool:

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Yngwie Malmsteen Style Nylon String Shred! - Ibanez G5ECE
In this captivating video, guitarist Ben Wilshire showcases his impressive technique with a classical twist on the electric guitar. The performance heavily draws inspiration from the legendary Yngwie Malmsteen, known for his incredible speed and precision in shredding. Featuring the Ibanez G5ECE, Wilshire's style combines elements of classical guitar, characterized by the use of nylon strings, which adds a unique tonal quality to his shredding.
### Key Highlights
- **Technique Focus**: Wilshire's shredding emphasizes virtuosic arpeggios and sweeping motions that are synonymous with Malmsteen's style. This technique allows for fluid transitions and complex note progressions, captivating any guitar enthusiast's attention.

- **The Guitar**: The Ibanez G5ECE is well-suited for this kind of performance, delivering a rich sound that complements the nylon strings. This choice of instrument elevates the overall clarity and warmth of the notes, crucial for classical-styled shredding.
- **Performance Quality**: The video reflects high production values, enhancing the viewing experience with clear visuals and sound quality. This makes it accessible for viewers who appreciate the technical aspects of guitar playing.
### Engaging Discussion
This video not only serves as a great performance piece but also as an educational insight into advanced guitar techniques. It can inspire viewers to experiment with blending classical elements into modern shredding styles.
As we reflect on this performance, it's interesting to ponder how guitar techniques evolve over the years and the influences that shape contemporary players. Have you experimented with combining different musical styles in your own playing? Share your thoughts or personal experiences in the comments below!
For those intrigued by similar guitar techniques or wanting to dive deeper into shredding styles, check out related threads on technique tutorials and gear recommendations within the forum.
Let’s keep the conversation going, and feel free to share any favorite performers who inspire you!
