I am having exactly the same problem. I have a school account (I'm a professor at Tulsa Community College). Everything worked fine until they expired my password and I had to create a new one. (One person thinks that this has to do with the fact that the college uses Single Sign-on). Since then, I've been unable to edit anything in my school OneDrive account (I can edit anything else just fine, and I can get to my OneDrive files directly on my computer and they are syncing just fine). It wants me to login, and when I try, I get this message. I really DO have Internet access. They refuse to talk to me about this since the problem is happening on a computer owned by me and not by the school. I haven't tried plugging my computer directly into an Ethernet connection at the school. Should I try that? My only other option is to move all my OneDrive files to my DropBox account and forget about using OneDrive. That would really be a shame since I can't put DropBox on my school computer. I'm having another problem that gives this exact same message. It happens when I try to use Windows 10 mail for my school account. Again, that worked fine until I had to update my password. I was also experiencing this error message when I had to re-activate my Office 365 products that were on my school account. I managed to resolve this final problem by installing Office 2019 (NOT 365 version) and then used the product key instead of logging in. I had hoped that this might get rid of my OneDrive editing problem, but no such luck. Attached is a copy of an email that I sent to our school tech support (they told me that they don't support personal PCs, so I'm on my own).