agent ransack

  1. MikeHawthorne

    Windows 10 Questions about the search Panel?

    Hi If you click search from the start button right click menu it opens a search panel on the right side of the screen. It has 3 categories, Everywhere, Files and Settings. If I type in the word "Lucy" (I picked Lucy because it's my animated character and there are a lot of files like Lucy...
  2. MikeHawthorne

    Windows 8 Anyone know how to add options to the "Send To" dropdown.

    Hi I was messing around with how to use Agent Ransack to search and then add files to Dropbox. I wanted to make a test folder to try the process on so I didn't have to delete them afterwards, and I found that I don't know any way to add a folder to the Send to option on the right click menu...
  3. MikeHawthorne

    Windows 8 What can you do in Windows 8 that you can't do in Windows 7?

    Hi I was thinking about this today. When I upgraded from XP to Windows 7 there were new features that were obvious. Like Snap better CD writing apps in the software, etc. I was trying to come up with things that are different from Windows 7 in Windows 8 other then the user interface...
  4. MikeHawthorne

    Windows 8 Can't get rid of Babylon Search Engine in Chrome!!!

    Hi I've been trying to get rid of this for several days with no luck. I found that you get this malware by installing Mozilla Firefox, it then spreads to your other browsers if you have them. I installed Firefox to try and fix the problems I was having with cutting and pasting in this...
  5. D

    Windows 7 No application for search and How add Agent Ransack to disk context?

    When you right-click while on a folder in Windows Explorer, "search" isn't working. It complains that "This file does not have a program associated with it..." I presume I somehow clobbered something, somewhere. How do I get this working again? In installed Agent Ransack for doing searches...
  6. D

    Windows 7 A couple Windows 7 niggles - looking for solutions

    Well, I'm slowly getting through the really big problems, and now looking for ways to solve smaller stuff... 1. WHERE is my free space on Windows Explorer status bar? I've seen a bunch of complaints that it's gone, but none telling me how to get it back....... It's REALLY annoying to have...
  7. Ben Amada

    Windows 7 Add Context Menu item for Agent Ransack

    I just did a clean install of Windows 7 RTM 64-bit a few hours ago. I installed an old (but good) piece of software, Agent Ransack. It installed correctly, and runs okay too. But normally there is a context menu item for Agent Ransack when right-clicking on a folder. This allows you to...