
  1. Optimize Your Gaming: How to Disable Alt+Tab Shortcut in Windows 11

    When it comes to gaming on Windows 11, distractions can easily derail your experience. One of the common annoyances that gamers encounter is inadvertently pressing the Alt+Tab keys, which takes you out of the game and into another application. If you've ever had your gaming momentum disrupted by...
  2. Quick Ways to Clear the Command Prompt Screen in Windows 11

    Ever found yourself staring at a cluttered Command Prompt (CMD) screen and wished you could clear it up quickly? You're not alone. Many Windows users often encounter the challenge of a messy CMD interface. Fortunately, this guide will explore straightforward methods to clear the CMD screen on...
  3. VIDEO Windows XP Shutdown and Logoff Menus for modern Windows

    Hi, I'm Aaron Bewza and I rebuilt the Windows XP Luna shutdown and logoff dialog menus, because XP is 20 years old this year plus I've had a bit of interest in this while I was building it so I'd like to share it with you. I coded it completely ground-up in AHK (Autohotkey) and it's quite close...
  4. B

    Windows 8 How can I remap keys without administrator privileges?

    I've been programming for over 30 years and I learned to type on the older Televideo and original PC keyboards that had the Control key next to the 'A' key, where CAPS LOCK is located. Windows has a registry entry that allows you to remap the keyboard, but there's a wrinkle. The entry you have...
  5. Windows 8 Looking for Software

    Hi, I'm currently looking for software which will help my Dad ask for assistance without shouting. He's got a bad back at the moment so he can't walk around very much. I was looking for software or using AutoHotkey so he could just press a key on his laptop and it would send either a request or...
  6. J

    Windows 7 Keyboard remapping

    How can I remap the Numpad numbers to mirror function key settings defined by the application program I am running. For example, the program defines F2 as CTRL+A, which it then uses to toggle a program setting. Using AutoHotkey I can put Numpad1::send ^a and Word/Notepad do...
  7. K

    Windows 7 No Gamepad Driver for this Gamepad!

    Hello sorry I know most veterans here don't know me but I selected to put ads on this site when I registered. I found an old Game-Elements PC Gamepad with no CD and it has a usb stub so I plugged it in and Windows 7 didn't recognize the device! I couldn't do 'search for automatic updates'...
  8. Windows 7 Clickable Shutdown / Restart / Lock / Hibernate / Sleep

    An alternative to the shutdown menu is clickable shortcuts. Right-click -> New -> Shortcut -> Location of the item: Shutdown Computer Shutdown.exe -s -t 00 Restart Computer Shutdown.exe -r -t 00 Lock Workstation Rundll32.exe User32.dll,LockWorkStation Hibernate Computer...
  9. T

    Windows 7 Flip3D to Alt-Tab

    My left Windows Key dont work anymore but i would like to use Flip3d. Is there a way to set Flip3d from Win-Tab to Alt-Tab? And set Alt-Tab to other Keycombination? I did a search here found a possible solution with Autohotkey Script Manager. Ive tried it but to be honest im too dumb for it. I...
  10. Windows 7 NumLocker

    Check this out. A small application that runs in the background lets you disable caps, num and scroll lock keys and more. Link Removed If you never want to use the Caps Lock key again, you have plenty of other options: You can disable or remap any key in Windows, use TabsLock to make it...