backup program

  1. Ghost folder - unusable?

    I did a file restore from a backup program (Retrospect), but I cannot seem to be able to do anything with the folder it created, even delete it. The folder icon is grayed out..? I do have permissions on it, and am the owner, and also have admin privileges. Opening a cmd prompt as admin, and...
  2. M

    Windows 7 Incorrect "not Genuine" message

    Greetings, I had been running Windows 7 on an eMachine system for a few years. I bought a new Dell system with Windows 7. I used a backup program that allowed me to move everything from the eMachine to the new Dell system without having to re-install everything. I have been running for several...
  3. D

    Windows 7 Error code 0x81000033 when using Win 7 backup

    I have a 3 year old Alienware desktop running Win 7 Professional (see my profile for more computer specs). I have never had any major problem including running weekly backups to a second internal hard drive using Windows backup. About 3 weeks ago the backup failed and produced the mentioned...
  4. G

    Windows 7 system error: -2147020584

    I tried to reinstall a backup program that I had used without any problem. Now the installation program halted and cited system error: -2147020584. What is this, and how to fix ? (I run win 7 ultimate 64 bit; the program was, and is to be, installed on a distinct program drive, not on C.) Thanks...
  5. Windows 7 Bypass User Account Control

    I use a backkup program in which I have setup a schedule to start every 7 days or at startup if not done. The problem is it does not work if the computer is unatended due to the User Account Control poping up to ask if you want to allow the program to make changes. Is there any way this can be...