bad image

  1. P

    Windows 7 Suddendly I Get 20 Error Messages On Boot Up

    I am running a Lenovo B305 "IdeaCentre" all-in-one computer with Windows 7 Home Premere. After an automatic Windows Update or running of CCLEANER (I do not know which), I get the exact same error message for 20 programs when I boot up. The error message is: "googledrive sync.exe bad image...
  2. W

    Windows 7 No Display at all - Radeon R9 270x

    Hello all Firstly sorry if this is posted in the wrong place, I am not exactly sure what my problem is. After downloading Malwarebytes and doing a scan, my computer came up with Bad Image errors, and wouldn't let me connect to the internet even though it said I was connected. However I...
  3. AxePanda

    Windows 8 Error Status 0xc000012f ondemandconnroutehelper.dll

    SYSTEM SPECS: Windows 8.1 64 bit i7 4700mq 12gb Ram 1tb hardrive Gtx 740m It says C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ondemandconnroutehelper.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error. Error Status 0xc000012f for almost every program. When I play games, it would randomly pop up...
  4. G

    Windows 7 Bad Image Box

    when i woke up i signed in and found out that windows 7 updated and now when i open any applications such as chrome, firefox and others i get a box that says i.e. chrome.exe Bad Image c:\progra~1\wia6eb~1\datamngr\\datamngr.dll is either not designed to run on windows or it contains an error...
  5. R

    Windows 7 wmplayer.exe - bad image

    when i try to launch media player i get this mwssage > c:\windows\system32\wmploc.dll is not designed to run on windows or it contains an errror try reinstalling ...... i ran sfc / scannow with this result > win resource protection found croupt files but could not fix some of them , details are...
  6. M

    Windows 7 Cryptsp.dll Error? Bad Image

    Needing help with a Bad Image error that states that Cryptsp.dll is not a proper windows files or not installed properly. This error appears anytime an .exe file is opening or attempting to open. Thanks- MT
  7. J

    Windows 7 bad image

    hello i have gone through 15 dvds in 24 hours trying to burn windows 7 on my pc and my kids pc ive done nero 8,poweriso,imgburn,magiciso and more i have 3 copyes of it 2 proper 1 not they all say the same bad image its driving me mad can anyone help i am on xp pro s pack 3 thanks:mad::mad:
  8. M

    Windows 7 Failed installation

    My desktop is adequate for W7. I have downloaded Windows 7, burnt a CD from the downloaded file using an Iso burner but after stating burning was successful the following message appeared. Bad image. The application or DLL F:\Sources\SPWIZENG.DLL is not a valid Windows Image. Please check this...