
  1. rald


    Hi Everyone, I usually do use dual monitors, My laptop screen and external monitor. But today my display 1 (which is my laptop screen) is a white screen after I stay asleep, I don't know why because when I wake up it's a white screen already, and now it's a black screen. I've tried opening the...
  2. J

    Windows 10 ASUS X550C Restarted to BIOS, Won’t Boot

    Several days ago, I was running the usual Windows Update process overnight on my X550C. When I returned and tried to unlock the laptop, it froze. I therefore did a forced restart. The laptop went to a black screen with a couple of options and several tabs. I learned online that this is the...
  3. BobDobalina

    Windows 10 Horror-PC with new BSOD and alot of other weird problems

    Hello, I know try to get help in an international forum, because i have problems that seem to be extreme-weird. Everything I talk about is about the hardware in my signature. All my components I received in november/december last year and I build everything my own, because i am a pretty fine...
  4. S

    Windows 10 Black screen of death

    Hello and thank you all for any help or ideas. In general, my computer is 'scanning and repairing' drives on startup, then booting into a black screen with cursor. I don't have a pc easily available to install usb boot programs but have tried a couple thus far. Refreshing or restoring are not...
  5. R

    Windows 10 In/Out of Fullscreen causes crashes

    Okay, so I've been searching around and cannot find anyone else with a similar problem. Basically, sometimes when going into or out of something that is fullscreen, it will just freeze on a black screen. Mouse cursor isn't visible, no keyboard shortcuts work, but Skype still works perfectly...
  6. Kirokito

    Windows 10 Windows blackscreen on startup

    So I'm making this thread as I am having the same problem as another user on here where the windows 10 download was working up until the 75% mark and my desktop restarted and I am now stuck on a blackscreen. I have no startup screen usage or anything the computer boots up as normal and is stuck...
  7. N

    Windows 7 Odd installation fail

    Hi there! Ive come across the "Installation BlackScreen" while trying to install RC. Everything runs just great until its time to "Complete the installation", then it just turn black the HDD and Disc stops spinning. Simply nojoy. Ive tried all the possible solutions ive found so far without any...
  8. N

    Windows Vista Vista Problems with graphics card?

    Hey all I am having the following problem. When I do anything but play a game everything is fine. When I go to play a game, any game at all, at random what will happen is that the monitor will freeze and then go black. It will then go into standby mode and say that it is not receiving a signal...
  9. K

    Windows Vista Blackscreen after startup

    Hello world, I just got myself a brand new laptop (HP dv9500). A wonderfull machine with VISTA on it but ... ...there is a "small" problem. After startup and logon the computer shows a black screen with only a cursor in the middle of it. The black screen stays there for a few minutes. Then...