
  1. S

    Windows 8 Issue with old CoD2 game

    Hi I am using windows 8.1 and CoD2 doesn't work properly. I can't change ingame gamma and when I enter the game first time it automaticly minimizes and has desktop mouse overlay. Can you help me fix it? My windows is up to date, game is set to run as windows xp, run as admin, disable display...
  2. F

    Windows 7 CoD2 + W7 64

    Alright, so every time I try to play CoD 2 it goes fine for a while, but then outta no where it just freezes up and I gotta reboot. I tried running it in compilable mode but that didn't work either. Any help would be appreciated. -Fxs
  3. B

    Windows 7 CoD2 Ping Issues

    Ive been having issue with CoD2 ever since i did a full install of windows 7. My issue right now is my PING. Before i had windows 7 i ran the game on xp 32 bit, and my ping was usually between 50-90. Ive always played on the same dedicated server (PotW stock), and my internet connection is...
  4. F

    Windows 7 Call of Duty 1, sides cut off of screen

    Hi, Call of Duty 1 will only run in a portrait kind of resolution, both left and right have big black borders. The same happened with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, but I simply changed the resolution to 1680x1050 and it spread itself out like it should. On CoD1 I can only change it to...
  5. R

    Windows Vista Vista stops ICS only to XP machine

    I have recently upgraded my main pc to vista ultimate, have set up ICS to share the wireless connection i have where I live and it runs though a linksys 8 port switch, it works fine on all the machines "3 total atm" untill i launch a game like DAOC or COD2 on the main PC then the XP machine...