computer science

  1. News

    Windows 7 ICSE 2011: Grigore Rosu - The Art and Science of Program Verification

    Grigore Rosu is an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), where he leads the Link Removed (FSL). His research interests encompass both theoretical foundations and system development in the areas of formal methods...
  2. News

    Windows 7 ICSE 2011: John Rushby - Formal Methods, Verification and Some Computing History

    Meet Dr. John Rushby, a computer scientist who runs the Formal Methods group within the Computer Science Laboratory at SRI International. Dr. Rushby is a legendary scientist in the field of formal methods and verification. He has a very rich history in the computer science which you will learn...
  3. News

    Windows 7 ICSE 2011: Conversation with Kumiyo Nakakoji

    ICSE, the International Conference on Software Engineering,®is the premier software engineering conference, providing a forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, experiences and concerns in the field of software engineering...
  4. News

    Windows 7 ICSE 2011: Conversation with Andreas Zeller

    ICSE, the International Conference on Software Engineering,® is the premier software engineering conference, providing a forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, experiences and concerns in the field of software engineering...
  5. News

    Windows 7 Chris Hawblitzel and Juan Chen: Introduction to Typed Assembly Language (TAL)

    Typed Assembly Language (TAL) extends traditional untyped assembly languages with typing annotations, memory management primitives, and a sound set of typing rules. These typing rules guarantee the memory safety, control flow safety, and type safety of TAL programs. Moreover, the typing...
  6. News

    Windows 7 Hanselminutes on 9 - Agile Coach Jean Tabaka on Safe Failure, the Need for Craftsmanship, and More

    Scott's at the Intel Agile Conference today and got the chance to talk to Rally Software's Agile Fellow Jean Tabaka about why your project sometimes needs time to fail and whether we need both internships and a formal track within Software Development. Jean is a Certified ScrumMaster and...
  7. News

    Windows 7 C9 Lectures: Yuri Gurevich - Introduction to Algorithms and Computational Complexity, 2 of n

    Link Removed is back on C9!! Link Removed Yuri is a logician, computer scientist and inventor of abstract state machines. He currently works at Microsoft Research (he's a member of Wolfram Schulte's RiSE team). This is the second part in a series of lectures exploring the fundamental...
  8. News

    Windows 7 C9 Lectures: Dr. Ralf Lämmel - Going Bananas

    Dr. Ralf Lämmel returns for an exploration of folds, aka bananas. This is lecture 5 in his C9 Lecture series covering advanced functional programming topics. Welcome back, Ralf! We're so happy to have you here! Why bananas, Ralf? Banana is functional programming slang for "fold"—an application...
  9. News

    Windows 7 E2E: Herb Sutter and Erik Meijer - Perspectives on C++

    It's not often that we can get two minds of Link Removed and Herb Sutter's caliber together for an impromptu technical conversation during Christmas break at Microsoft... Well, we did and the next hour or so contains a lot of intelligence, knowledge, wisdom, and passion. This is one of the more...
  10. kemical

    Technology growth to come to a screaming halt

    Huge changes in software and microchips needed A new report from the US National Research Council has warned that technology growth will grind to a halt unless a new generation of hardware and software is developed. The catchy-titled “The Future of Computing Performance: Game over or next...
  11. News

    Windows 7 Microsoft Campus Tours - Microsoft Research Part 2 - Manual Deskterity

    Larry Larsen and Microsoft Research General Manager Kevin Schofield take a tour of Building 99. In this video, the second of three parts, Michel Pahud walks us through some of his touch computing research projects. Link Removed Link Removed
  12. News

    Windows 7 C9 Lectures: Greg Meredith - Monadic Design Patterns for the Web - Introduction to Monads

    Greg Meredith, a mathematician and computer scientist, has graciously agreed to do a C9 lecture series covering monadic design principles applied to web development. You've met Greg before in a Link Removed. The fundamental concept is here is the monad. Greg has a very novel and conceptually...
  13. News

    Windows 7 C9 Lectures: Dr. Ralf Lämmel - AFP - The Quick Essence of Functional Programming

    We had to cover monads eventually, and there are many great monad tutorials out there (see, for example, here: In fact, there are web resources concerned solely with organizing the many monad tutorials available in the wild, and...
  14. News

    Windows 7 C9 Lectures: Stephan T. Lavavej - Standard Template Library (STL), 5 of n

    Link RemovedWelcome to another installment of C9 Lectures covering the powerful general C++ library, STL. Joining us once again is the great Stephan T. Lavavej, Microsoft's keeper of the STL cloth (this means he manages the partnership between the owners of STL (dinkumware) and Microsoft...
  15. News

    Windows 7 Teaching programming language concepts with F#, part 2

    Link RemovedTeaching programming language concepts with F#, part 2 By Peter Sestoft, Professor IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark. In this second part, Peter finishes the first "demo" lecture of the F#-based programming language course (started in part 1, found here...
  16. Captain Jack

    Windows 7 How to Size Page File

    What is Page File: In storage, a pagefile is a reserved portion of a hard disk that is used as an extension of random access memory (RAM) for data in RAM that hasn’t been used recently. A pagefile can be read from the hard disk as one contiguous chunk of data and thus faster than...
  17. samz

    Windows 7 What CRT means in "Win 7 CRT" ?

    I have a burned DVD with: "Win 7 CRT". What does "CRT" mean exactly? No "CRT" in this reference: Windows 7 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Google didn't find anything interesting :( Thanks
  18. Z

    Windows 7 What happened during my installation?

    Hello everyone. Running on AMD 64 Duo Core, nvidia 8600 GT, 4gb ram.. got it through dell with Vista 32 bit installed on it. Just graduated college, I got a copy of Windows 7 32-bit through my university's academic alliance. Burned a bootable disk and here we go: Steps taken to get to...
  19. D

    Windows 7 Can anyone help me with a question on page filing and RAM for university pls? Thanks!

    Hi there all, this is my first post and I an new to this kind of forum! I am kind of forced to ask for help as I have no way of finding my answer through using Google, as this seems a bit complicated. Basically my lecturer asked me 5 questions, 3 I think I figured out the other two I need clues...
  20. cybercore

    VIDEO Unlocking The 4th Core In Phenom II X3 720

    Enabling the 4th core does not work in all 100% cases, but sometimes it is as simple as just going to bios and setting Advance Clock Calibration to Auto and restarting the machine. On the next boot, it will enable the 4th core. Phenom II X3 becomes a quad core processor. Link Removed due to...