At first I connect a SmartPhone through USB cable to my WinDesktop computer and open a directory on this SmartPhone in my local Windows Explorer.
The default view is (presumably) "Media View".
Right side of WinExplorer shows columns like Artist, Track number, Type" although I am browsing a pure...
column settings
data files
file explorer
file management
general view
media view
registry key
settings transfer
tech solutions
usb connection
user interface
user preferences
view settings
windows 7
windows explorer
Is it possible to change the default view of the Windows 10 Recycle Bin when it opens? I figure there’s settings in the Registry somewhere. I would like the default to be view by details, sorted by date, descending.
Icons in my folders keep reverting to Details view (Change Your View > Details) instead of Large Icons choice, which is what I want as default. It's not a consistent thing, though; sometimes I re-open folder and it's still Large Icons, sometimes it has gone back to Details view.
Any suggestions?
I dont know whether or not im typing in the right section, but here goes:
How do you change folder views permanently? It might be a stupid question but I feel that everytime I change a folder's view to LIST, Windows overrides it to a somewhat default view based on the content of the folder.