
  1. Windows 8 questions about Microsoft windows

    I am curious about Microsoft Windows. So I have a few questions. Microsoft Windows needs an antivirus program because it is in danger of getting viruses. Microsoft Windows also needs anti malware protection, antispyware protection.. Windows needs firewalls to protect from hackers. Windows...
  2. S

    Windows 7 4 Separate BSOD's all with different crash dump results.

    Hi, I have recently had a run of BSODs all with different causes. They all seem to have the same readout for BugCheck (BugCheck 1E). It all seemed to start after I ran disk cleaner and disk defragmenter. I will upload all four minidumps. We have also had some network virus issues on another PC...
  3. J

    Windows 7 Laptop Problems

    Hello everyone, I noticed for about a week that when I log on to Windows, it takes what seems to be 3-5 minutes to respond to start menu pop up and applications (Icons) on Desktop. I tried the following solutions with no success: Kaspersky Anti-Virus Scan (No viruses Found) Disk Clean Up Disk...
  4. G

    Windows 7 Windows Disk Defragmenter vs. the other same programs.

    Hi there, Can someone please tell me if Windows Disk Defragmenter is a good defragmenting program? I mean for example if Defraggler, Auslogics Disk Defrag or DiskRescue 2009 are better than Windows Disk Defragmenter? Some of the 3 other programs have different features such as moving the most...
  5. S

    Windows 7 Windows Disk Defragmenter

    When doing some defragmenting on a Windows 7 machine, I notice that there is different passes that occur. Does anyone have information on what exactly is going on in each pass? I am curious as to what is going on in depth with these "passes". Thanks.
  6. T

    Windows 7 Speed and Reliability

    By Terry Blount This is a round up of processes, services and features that I have turned off. I have tested these for months under Windows 7. My system is faster and stable and has far less overhead than the day I installed Windows 7. My boot time as recorded by BootRacer is down to 17...
  7. Windows 7 How To View Volume Shrink Progress and Cancel Shrink

    Although there isn't an interface specficially designed for it, you can actually view the progress of a volume shrink operation in Windows 7, and cancel a shrink that is in-progress, using the Disk Defragmenter tool. Volume shrink can take a long time, especially if you have a very full, or...
  8. T

    First Windows 7 Tweaks

    I love a fast clean system that will focus all it's attention to the tasks I give it to perform. So I turn off or optimize all features that I don't need to run all the time. Here are the tweaks I start with. User Account Control When you are tweaking features you will be prompted to...
  9. O

    Windows 7 Disk Defragmenter Stalls at 0% consolidated...

    Has anyone else had this issue?? It defragmented perfectly and quickly but now hangs at 0% consolidated...
  10. Windows 7 Windows 7 Defragmenter

    -After a successful install of both Windows 7 Beta 32 bit and 64 bit.. I have been testing away for a few hours now.. I've said it before but I'll say it again.. Microsoft has a true gem on their hands this time around!! I love Windows 7 and hope it is released in stores this year! :) I do...