
  1. MikeHawthorne

    Windows 10 Does defragmenting really help? Yes!

    Hi The image below shows the performance of my drives after being tested by Defraggler. The F drive is the drive that I store my Backup System Image files on, and it is the only one, (based on information that I've read that says don't defrag your backups) that has never been defragmented...
  2. O

    Windows 7 Help with "Not Responding" problem with laptop.

    a few days ago my laptop started to act weird. Programs would be slow to start up and i would get not responding errors on most programs for a few seconds and then the program would run normally but whenever i click on something in the program or do anything else it would not respond for a few...
  3. R

    Windows 7 SSDs and Defragmenting

    This is from a non-technical person: I back up my SSD to a HDD by cloning using EaseUS ToDo software and a USB HDD docking station. After cloning my SSD to my HDD I defragment my HDD using the docking station and then clone that back to my internal SSD and, in effect, have a...
  4. Z

    my windows 7 experience o.O

    Well to start off, this thread is pretty much me babling about my windows 7 experience. specs... amd athlon xp 2500+ overclocked at 166mhz 11x (i.e. 1.8ghz) processor a7n8x deluxe2.0 motherboard nvidia geforce fx 5200 128mb video card running the resolution 1024x768 at 32bit 512 mb ddr ram...