desktop environment

  1. littlemaple

    Windows 7 Jumping taskbar problem

    Hello, I have a problem with the new taskbar in Windows 7. I have installed Windows and then I installed a lot of programs, so I can't recognize if something else than system does it, but let's say I have quite known and legal programs installed, so they should not to do this problem...
  2. blackroseMD1

    Windows 7 Windows 7's new feature: Windows XP Mode

    Thanks to Rafael Rivera for this info. Rafael Rivera and Link Removed - Invalid URL reveal a new Windows 7 application compatibility feature called Windows XP Mode. Yes, it’s that "secret new feature" you’ve been hearing about… Over a month ago, we were briefed about a...
  3. P

    Windows 7 Second taskabr on dual display GONE!

    Ok, So I have installed windows 7 beta on my machine, LOve it. Works great. So the problem (probably given away in title) I have lost my second taskbar! Really NO BS! I started 7 after install it setup dual display immediatly and I had two taskbars, The second wasnt aero but I didnt...
  4. P

    Windows 7 all your picture are belong to us

    I really liked the desktop pictures (themes) when I first installed 7, but since its beta and we're supposed to be trying to break it....I mean we're s'posed to be trying our favorites softwares on it I tried a registry cleaning tool from uniblue. It "cleaned" up all those themes and how! Now I...
  5. B

    Kde 4

    i wanted to know if any of you have tried out kde 4, and i wanted a good review.. thanks in advance!!