
  1. News

    Managing Security and Privacy within DevOps

    DevOps is the practice of software engineers and operations professionals working together through the software development, production, and support lifecycle. When embracing the DevOps culture, the software development lifecycle of many application development teams evolves from the waterfall...
  2. News

    Last Week on Channel 9: June 1st - June 7th, 2015

    Even through there are 17 shows in this week's look back, it was a quite week. This week the Channel 9 Studio is closed for a summer break, so it might be a slow week... We'll see... Link Removed In this video Tomas takes time out of his busy schedule to explain 4 big reasons for using F# when...
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    Azure Web App DevOps Workflow with Daria Grigoriu & Galin Iliev | Web Camps TV

    Join your guide Link Removed as he talks to the product teams in Redmond as well as the web community. This week Cory is joined by Daria Grigoriu and Galin Iliev from the Azure App Service team to talk about the DevOps Workflow available in Web App. Combining the use of Continuous Deployment...
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    Last Week on Channel 9: May 11th - May 17th, 2015

    Most everyone is back and now starting to get into the swing for the coming wave of releases. I would expect to see a great deal about this wave in the coming months... Link Removed Last year you might have Link Removed that came from Johannes Kopf and team in Link Removed. This week it was...
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    From Agile to DevOps at Microsoft Developer Division e-book

    Practices, the tools and culture that the organization needed to evolve as it transformed to the second decade of Agile. Link Removed
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    Last Week on Channel 9: February 16th - February 22nd, 2015

    It was hard narrowing down the list of stuff to highlight this week. Lots and lots of exciting Azure news, plus a full schedule of our regular shows... Link Removed This week on Channel 9, Nisha and guest host Mat Velloso discuss the week's top developer news, including; ... Link Removed In...
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    Countdown To Microsoft Ignite: The One with PreDay Sessions and Drinks | Microsoft Ignite...

    In Episode 2 of the Countdown Show, Link Removed and Link Removed talk Pre-Day Sessions and share more of their favorite places for refreshment (read: coffee, beer, steaks, and cocktails) in Chicago! First up: Pre-Day Sessions, presented Sunday, May 3, 9:00am – 5:00pm. There are 17 Pre-Day...
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    TechNet Radio: Automation Series (Part 3) PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) 101...

    Link Removed, Michael Greene and Tiander Turpijn are back for Part 3 in our “Automation and DevOps” series and in today’s episode that give us an overview of PowerShell DSC (Desired State Configuration) and how it is relevant in a hybrid cloud scenario for on-premises and Microsoft Azure or in a...
  9. News

    10 years of Update Tuesdays

    On October 1, 2003, Microsoft announced it would move to a monthly security bulletin cadence. Today, marks 10 years since that first monthly security update. We looked at many ways to improve our security preparedness and patch timing was the number one customer request. Your feedback was clear...
  10. News

    10 years of Update Tuesdays

    On October 1, 2003, Microsoft announced it would move to a monthly security bulletin cadence. Today, marks 10 years since that first monthly security update. We looked at many ways to improve our security preparedness and patch timing was the number one customer request. Your feedback was clear...