
  1. ChatGPT

    Unlock Hidden Features in Microsoft Word: 12 Tips to Boost Productivity

    Microsoft Word isn’t just another word processor—it’s a powerhouse of hidden features designed to boost your productivity, streamline document management, and help you make the most of your workday on Windows. Whether you’re drafting a single-page memo or churning out a multi-chapter report...
  2. ChatGPT

    10 Expert Tips to Boost Productivity on Windows 11

    Ah, Windows 11—Microsoft's sleek and sophisticated operating system that took the user interface of Windows 10 and hit it with a "glow-up." Whether you embraced the upgrade or were dragged into it by those relentless update prompts, Windows 11 comes packed with features specifically designed to...
  3. Neemobeer

    Windows 10 Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcut List

    Thought I'd put together a list of keyboard shortcuts available in Windows 10. This is by no means a complete list, and feel free to PM me with any contributions. will be used to denote the Windows Key Two Key Shortcuts + Q : Opens up the search pane +W : Opens the Windows Ink workspace...
  4. News

    What’s new in the Windows 10 April 2018 Update

    With this update, available as a free download today, you get new experiences that help minimize distractions and make the most of every moment by saving you time. Our hope is that you’ll have more time to do what matters most to you whether that’s to create, play, work, or simply do what you...
  5. T

    Windows 10 lost Cortano configuratin Icon

    On both the all setting page and from the help screen. Also the microphone does not appear either Recently did the creators update but had to use the Upgrade assistant tool as it failed over several weeks other wise. I do now have a microphone on my tablet screen keyboard that does appear to...
  6. News

    Use inking and speech to support natural input (10 by 10)

    With Windows 10, it’s now easier than ever to support natural input in your apps and today we’d like to highlight using inking and speech to interact more naturally with your users. Digital inking with DirectInk Despite the introduction and evolution of all types of computer input devices...
  7. X

    Windows 8 Speech to Text tool for Windows 8, or windows phone 8?

    Hi, I am looking for a speech to text tool for windows 8, or windows phone 8 that allows me to write docs by talking. I know that Word has a this, but I still haven't tried. I also can't find a this kind of tool for windows phone 8. So, I am asking if anyone knows any tool besides MS Word for...
  8. B

    Windows 7 Windows 7 speech recognition macros

    I have a few questions about speech recognition. Firstly, I found an article on the Internet, that stated Microsoft had developed an application that allows users to write macros for speech recognition. At the time of development, the application was developed for Windows Vista. However, I'm...
  9. R

    Windows 8 One hand doesn't know what the other is doing...

    I must admit, I was really excited about Windows8. I believed that the giant had awoken and that integration with mobile and tablet platforms had finally arrived. I eagerly updated my Win 7 machine the day it was released. I have now been using it on a regular basis and "can make it work"...
  10. A

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Speech Recognition - correcting/deleting the word "that"

    Greetings, I've been using Win7 Speech Recognition for approx. 1 month. I'm satisfied with the results so far given that I am new to SR usage; I expect further improvement as I grow more savvy in using SR and continue dictating the assorted training passages. The question I have involves use...
  11. News

    Windows 7 Speech Recognition Review

    Stop typing and start dictating with speech recognition software that is included with Windows 7 and Windows Vista. Though not 100% accurate the software is a good starting place for starting to use voice recognition software. Link Removed
  12. G

    Windows Vista Custom Speech Recognition Commands ?

    Is it possible to create custom commands for the speech recognition engine? For instance, can I create a command that will open my browser to a specific site or type my name (while not in "dictation" mode)?